Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The moment we arrive at the apartment, Donovan rushes to find the bigger room and claims it.

He laughs as I open the door to the second bedroom which to him, someone who didn't see my bedroom from the ages of ten to sixteen, this was fine.

It was just a box room which still had a closet so I was fine with it.

I close the door and unpack all my stuff which is done by the time the clock strikes six which annoys me because what apartment where there are neighbours has a grandfather clock just laying around?

I walk into Donovan's room by accident only to see that he's not there and that his room is so neat. The one thing about him is that he's so neat and will always be neater than I ever could be.

I close the door because it's odd to be in someone's room without them there or without them knowing at all.

I make myself acquainted with the place but make sure to wrap up warm and go to the nearest grocery store.

I walk there which is refreshing as someone who enjoyed walking a lot. It was great to clear my head but today was filled with anxieties, mainly about this place. What if a creep tried to follow me? What if I got lost and died of hyperthermia?

I walk through the place with that anxiety in my mind and the what-ifs stick to me like a bad rash.

I make it to a small grocery store and buy some milk and cereal walk back to the apartment with it, still on high alert but now I had a legal weapon and could put my swiss knife away, for now.

I don't know how milk would hold up in a fight, especially with me throwing the punches.

I go back into the apartment and eat my cereal before washing the bowl that'd I'd found and go back to the room where I'm in.

I scroll on my phone for a bit before I can hear not just a person but people and music blast through the apartment.

Oh my gosh. He's having a party.

I need to find a way out of here. I get the key to the door I have and lock the door and then add the spare one to my keys.

I get my coat on and even though it's inside, in the room I'm in, on carpet, I put a pair of shoes on which I kept in here anyways.

I put the hood up, place the key in the draw and unlock the door with the spare key on my keys and then lock it behind me. It's been 5 hours since we got here, probably even more and Donovan probably hasn't slept and he has thrown a whole party and there's somebody everywhere.

I manage to get out of the door super quickly and run upstairs to Courtney and Arthur's apartment and knock on the door and a groggy Arthur opens the door after five minutes.

I take my shoes and coat off and sigh as I do everything.

"What's going on?" He asks as he hands me a blanket and ushers me along to the sofa where Courtney is sleeping.

"He's having a party." I say as I plop down on it and put the blanket over me as I watch the blank TV silently as Arthur fades back into sleep.

I must fall asleep at some point because there's a towel, pyjamas, a vest and a pair of underwear. There's a note on top.

I always have spare underwear so this is new. It's massive so I know it'll fit but you may have to wear a belt. Sweet dreams await you in the box room - Court.

I can still hear music when I listen carefully but I ignore Donovan's lack of care towards the rules that he's got placed upon himself. It's alright, I've been there too but I can't be part of that.

I shower and put my clothes in a plastic bag and go to sleep in the box room after stealing a pair of socks from Arthur and sending him a message that I've got them.

I guess he's awake because he sends me an message back and because it's not quite midnight yet, I go into the big room and go to spend some time with them.

They're both cuddled up in bed and I lay on the opposite side of the bed which has good back support.

"I'll go back to box room just before midnight because I need a good night of sleep." I say and they nod in agreement.

"Yeah the jet lag is bad. I was out after showering and same with Arthur." Courtney blushes as she says that.

The music somehow gets louder to the point where I'm glad I'm not in that apartment right now.

"I'd be in so much trouble if I was there right now." I mutter as I rub my temples, I know that just because I wasn't in the apartment that I wouldn't face some sort of bother.

"Yeah the police is 100% being called." Arthur says as he leans off the edge of the bed and listens below.

"My new social worker is going to be up in arms about this. They might even tell me to stay away from Donovan."

"Don't be silly. Everyone knows you want that, including Donovan and Doc and now even Stacie can see the undeniable chemistry you guys have." Arthur makes me want to throw up with those statements.

"Social worker? If you don't mind me asking, why do you have a social worker?" Courtney is so funny.

"Girl, you didn't notice that I don't have parents?" I say as I look her dead in the eyes.

"Oh. Now that you mention it..." Courtney starts to think.

"I'm just playing with you. I actually do not have parents but I have a very big family unit who look after me and Maisie and Carter along with Aunt Tara are my legal guardians."

"Oh that's nice that they stepped up." Courtney says and I nod in agreement.

"It's a big task, I agree. Maisie and Carter have always been my personal heroes so I knew they could do it." Arthur says and I nod in agreement.

We talk a bit more and just before midnight, I go to the box room and sleep.

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