Gohma's Lair

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Chapter 3

Gohma's Lair

As Mido's terrified screams faded into the distance, the hulking spider lunged toward Link with terrifying speed.

"Move, Link!" Navi's urgent shout startled Link into motion, but it was too late. The spider was upon him. Its massive form pinned him to the ground with a paralysing crunch, knocking the wind out of him.

Link stared at the arachnid's grotesque form, its fangs hovering just above his abdomen. As the spider loomed over him, he pondered the Great Deku Tree's words, and in that moment of despair, Link couldn't help but think the Ancient Guardian had been wrong. Faced with this monster, he was no longer Link the brave; he was Link the utterly terrified.

Just twenty feet into the Great Deku Tree, he was convinced he was about to die.

Just as the arachnid raised its fangs, having decided on its meal, a small, luminous blue ball of light darted through the air, striking the spider's eyes with a blinding flash. The monster recoiled, startled by the fairy's attack.

"Use your sword!" Navi yelled urgently as she continued to bombard the spider, ramming its eyes with her small frame.

Regaining his composure, Link scrambled to his feet and drew his sword. Seeing this, the spider ignored Navi and advanced on the boy once more. Letting out a desperate cry, Link plunged his blade into the spider's face, which let out a piercing screech of agony.

The wounded spider sprang backward, hissing furiously. Link swung his sword wildly to fend off the enraged beast.

"Watch out!" Navi cried as Link nearly struck her with his flailing blade.

"Sorry!" he yelled, barely paying attention, his mind racing with thoughts of his training with Forenz while avoiding the Skulltula's venomous fangs. Unfortunately, none of those lessons included what to do when a giant spider tries to eat you. Ordinarily, Link would've run, but he couldn't now.

The monstrous spider lunged forward, its fangs dripping with venom. Link rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its deadly strike, only to find himself pinned against the tunnel wall, the slithering vines beneath him twisting and writhing, reaching out to ensnare him.

Following Mido's example and fleeing the tunnel seemed tempting, but Link knew he had to face this challenge. With a desperate swing of his sword, he severed one of the spider's legs, causing it to screech and pull away before he could strike again.

Oh no, that's just going to make it angrier! Link thought.

Navi and Mori continued their aerial assault, darting in and out of the spider's vision, trying to distract it from its prey. Their efforts captured the spider's attention for a moment longer, and Link seized the opportunity to leap onto its back, plunging his sword into its armoured carapace.

His blade met with unexpected resistance, glancing off the spider's thick shell without leaving a scratch. Stunned by this development, Link lost his grip on his sword, and it went clattering into the darkness. Enraged, the spider bucked wildly, sending Link tumbling from its back.

Landing amidst the snake-like vines that cushioned his fall, Link rolled onto his hands and knees, his palms scraping against the damp earth as he began frantically searching for his lost weapon. The vines crept towards him as he searched, threatening to snatch his limbs and torso, forcing him to scramble away from their grasping reach.

"Navi, where's my sword?" Link cried out in a panic. His desperate plea caught the attention of both Navi and the spider.

"Oops," Link muttered under his breath, realising that he hadn't thought this through.

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