The Demon King

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Chapter 57

The Demon King

Link watched Zelda's lifeless body slide to the floor, his scream reverberating throughout the otherwise silent room, his throat raw. He froze, halting his charge, unable to breathe.

The Sages looked on in shock. Saria rose a hand to her mouth, her face pale. Rauru gripped Impa's shoulder as though keeping her from charging, while Darunia and Nabooru also stopped in their tracks, the former with murder in his eyes. Ruto's mouth was agape, her eyes wide. The silence seemed a palpable thing, swallowing the sounds of the raging storm that buffeted the tower.

A heartbeat passed and then another. Link stood frozen in uncomprehending horror, the sight of that knife sliding across Zelda's throat forever carved into his memory. His mind screamed, trying to deny the truth, but it was no use.

Zelda was dead.

No, Link thought numbly. She can't be...

He wanted to believe that Zelda would get up. She wasn't dead, just unconscious. Just... he could heal her, couldn't he? Just like she had healed him.

"That wound was fatal, and you know it," Courage told him, anger brimming in the being's every word.

Link knew it was true. Zelda would never get up. She was gone, her blood pooling on the stone, a crimson stain soaking into her once pristine dress. Link knew what would happen if the bearer of Wisdom died. He knew the chaos it would bring. Even when he had raced to save her in the desert, not knowing who she was, Link had told himself that Wisdom's bearer couldn't die. Zelda was too important; Hyrule needed her. He needed her.

Yet, even as he thought this, Link knew nothing could change the inevitable truth lying before him.

She was gone.

The flow of time is always cruel. Zelda's words echoed in his mind.

"Now is not the time to grieve, chosen of Farore," Courage told him, not unkindly. "Now is the time to fight and avenge the fallen."

After Courage, Nohansen was the first to speak, drawing Link's attention. He was staring at Ganondorf, hatred clear in his eyes, burning like a hot flame. "You bastard," he spat. "You had what you wanted!"

Ganondorf ignored Nohansen. Instead, his attention was directed at someone else. Link was still too numb and shocked to realize who that someone was.


"LINK!" Navi's scream tore Link away from his spiralling despair, and he was instantly aware of Courage warning him of the danger.

Lightning flashed from Ganondorf's outstretched hand. Realizing the danger, Link reacted instantly, raising his shield. Light exploded onto the sturdy frame with a thunderous bang, the impact throwing Link off his feet. He hit the ground, the Master Sword clattering against stone, landing a few feet away.  Someone grabbed him beneath one arm and hauled him to his feet.


Before Link could speak, a raging roar shook the room. Darunia charged straight towards Ganondorf, his hammer raised. Nabooru joined him, ready to jump in the moment the Goron's hammer struck. Recovered from their previous horror, they attacked Ganondorf with renewed fury.

"Goddesses, preserve us all," Rauru whispered. "There must still be a way."

"There will be if I have anything to say about it," Link said, almost with a snarl.

Darunia's hammer came crashing towards the usurper king. Ganondorf didn't even flinch. He rose his hand, molten light exploding in front of him. There was a dreadful crack like crisp thunder, and Darunia was sent staggering backward into the table, which crumbled beneath his weight.

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