Mourning A Relationship

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{Authors Note}

Very short chapter!

Dimitris POV

I know what you all must be thinking...

'What about Rose?' 

'Why would you do that to her?'

'What was to happen if she returns?' 

The thing is...

Rose chose to leave, I knew she had no choice and Lissa comes first, that's my life, that's the code I live by...

They come first. 

But there was always a little part of me that wanted to say to the hell with all the rules and run away with Rose Hathaway, only I didn't. Why is that?

The academy was the only thing I knew, what Rose and I had was something that didn't seem like it was going to end well, we already made one mistake, and =when we went out into the world and got attacked by Strigoi, we hesitated.

I wanted to run into her arms and fold mine over her, pulling her to me, a protective nature flinging up instantly. 

How long was I supposed to hurt before not wanting to hurt anymore?

How long do you normally mourn? Our relationship had ended and essentially died and so did the future I saw myself having with Rose. I've heard from everybody mourning is different, but I couldn't take the pain anymore. 

I tried to hold myself back with Lilianna, I tried to keep the wild side of me tampered down, but there was something crackling in the air between us, the tension unbearable and so was the desire to scoop her up in my arms. 

Lilian's long dark hazel hair and equally beautiful eyes met mine in the car that first day and I knew it was all over, but what really made me entirely interested in Lillian was the powers that erupted within her. 

A bright light exploded through her hands and she incinerated the Strigoi when the light touched them, as well as brought me back to life. I could feel every bit of strength ebbing away from my form when the Strigoi was draining me of my blood. 

But somehow just as the last breath left my body, I was gasping for air and woke up to see Lillian's hands have that light under her hands again and something took over her face, her eyes black and her fangs sharp and elongated. 

I knew there was something there, Lillian is special she just doesn't know it yet, and neither did I. 

But what I did know was that when Lillian first woke up I saw something, I think it was through her eyes, and when I spoke it was in her voice. She was catching up with one of her feeders when suddenly the edge around my vision get blurry and when I blinked I was back in my own head, seeing through my own eyes. 

But that's not even the weirdest part now, Lillian had fed from me, but then I fed from her. It was not a smart decision, but I am so tired of holding myself back, I am so tired of fighting whatever was happening between Lillian and me, so I gave in.

Now I can hear her thoughts and feel her emotions, on top of that throughout the day, I have been somehow transported in her head, looking through her eyes every so often, it is really confusing and frustrating trying to make sense of your own thoughts and feelings and now you have another person's thoughts and feelings mixing with your own. 

I walk down the trail all the way to the Wards where Lillian was sitting in front of me, staring at the barrier between St. Vladimir and the outside world. 

My hands start to sweat and my arms start to shake as I approach Lillianna's stone still figure and reach out with a soft hand onto her shoulder.

"I think we need to talk."


{Authors Note}

I hope you liked the small glance into how Dimitri is feeling and what he thinks of everything!

I might not have mentioned everything I was supposed to, so if you have any questions about anything please let me know, my head is a little fuzzy and my mind is everywhere all at once and I don't remember everything I had in place when it comes to these main characters.

Let me know if I need to fix anything or add anything else in.

Thank you all very much and stay tuned for more coming soon!

The Eldest Dragomir Princess//DimitriBelikovWhere stories live. Discover now