Chapter Twenty-One

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Every three hours Bellamy and Faye were supposed to check in with Clarke and Raven.

Maya and Raven had helped them out together mobile radios.

Sky People were being taken from the dorm every hour or so.

It was a waste of time to check in. When they made leeway or any progress, it would be time to go back and check in. This way they would be like stone against water, barely making a difference.

"Let's go. We stay in the vents and we listen to Raven." Bellamy said, handing Faye a mobile radio.

Faye held it in her hands, looking it over. She waited for Bellamy to put his on first. She watched him put it in his ear and she did the same.

- - -

"Okay, so tell us where you're at now." Raven said from the radio.

"At an intersection. Which way?"

"Bellamy, we think you're close. The lab should be up ahead." Clarke said.

"Any chance you can be more specific?"

There were almost five ways they could go. Faye stayed back at a distance, checking their backs every time she heard a small noise.

"Never mind." Bellamy said, backing up a little when he heard a noise coming from one of the tunnels. "I got this."

Faye followed Bellamy until they were in a cylinder room with a latter, Faye assumed the later was an easy way between floors in the vents.

"Careful, there's a dip there."

"There's a dip in front of me too." Faye said, standing up in the room.

"That was unnecessary." Bellamy said.

They looked through a vent and found a woman drilling into a boys hip.

They all listened to what was happening.

"The window after death is incredibly short." The woman said.

Another man spoke up, discussing his plan to bomb the War Council in Tondc.

Bellamy and Faye retreated back to the vents.

"Please tell me you heard all that."

"We heard it. If I leave now, I can make it there in time."

"Clarke. Octavia was in Tondc when I left. Is she...?"

"She's here." Clarke said quickly. "She's safe."

"Okay, good. You be safe too."

"I will."

"Clarke, Lexa needs to be the first one out. Without her you have no army." Faye reminded her before she hung up.

"I'll get her out, I promise."

"Where are you going?" Faye asked Bellamy.

"To help give my friends a chance."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Faye asked, watching Bellamy head towards Level 5.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." 

- - -

Faye waited alone in the vents. Without a hood disguise or weapon, she was stuck waiting for Bellamy.

"Faye, Bellamy. Time to check in."

"Just me, Raven."

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