Chapter Sixty-Four

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 "Monty, do you read me? Over." Bellamy asked over the radio.

"Here." Clarke gave Echo an extra suit.

"Monty, do you copy?" 

"This suit will prevent you from getting worse. It's the best we can do right now." Clarke explained. "You'll get used to it." 

"Faye banished me." Echo admitted. 

"I heard." Clarke said. 

"I should have known that everything I did would catch up to me. Everything I did, I did for my people. Is that so wrong?" Echo looked at Faye, who was keeping her distance, but refused to let Echo out of sight. 

"Yes, Monty. I read you. Where are you?" Bellamy asked when Monty finally answered. 

"Two clicks outside Polis. Almost there. Everything okay?" Monty asked.

"Not exactly. Look, Monty. I hate to ask you this, but we broke down on the way to the island to get Raven. We need you to come reel us in."

"We're on our way. Tell us exactly where you are." Monty said.

Emori began coughing and John caught her. "No. No, no! Hey, hey. Hey, hey, Clarke-"

"Uh, you've been exposed." 

"How's that possible? She's wearing a suit." Murphy pointed out.

Clarke stammered as she searched Emori. "The seal of her helmet's torn." 

"Can you fix it?" Emori asked.

"We just need tape. That's all. It's gonna be fine." Murphy assured her. 

"We don't have any tools or weapons." 

"So we give her the extra suit, then." John said.

"We don't have another suit." Bellamy said. 

"Yes, we do!" John yelled. "Take it off now." He told Echo. 

"I saved your life." Echo reminded him.

"What were you gonna do if we didn't get attacked, huh? I mean, you guys seriously think she was following us out of the kindness of her own heart? No. She was gonna attack us the second we stopped. Give me the suit." Murphy charged her. 

"Hey, Murphy! Murphy, no!" Bellamy held him back.


"Look." Bellamy stopped him. "You cut that suit, and it saves no one."

"I'm not letting her die." 

"Neither am I." Clarke said. She pulled off her helmet.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" Bellamy asked.

"I have Nightblood." Clarke said. 

"Untested Nightblood.

"We're testing it now. Take off her helmet." Clarke gave her helmet to John. 

Monty called over the radio, telling them he'd be there soon.

"We got here as fast as we could." Monty said as him and Harper stepped out of the rover. "Clarke, you're exposed. Come on. Let's get you into the rover."

"No, Monty. I'm fine." 

"I'll grab the extra helmet." Harper said.

"Guys, come on." Murphy said. "Planet ain't getting any less irradiated." 

"Come on." Faye helped Echo. 

"I'm sorry for what happened in Mount Weather." Echo said as she got into the back of the rover. 

"It won't matter soon." Faye said. 

Clarke began coughing and throwing up blood.

"Clarke, you need to put on the suit. It was for Jasper. At least now it'll  do some good. Jasper would want you to. If we're still gonna make it to the island, we better--"

"We're not going to the island." Bellamy said. 

"Yes, we are."

"Clarke--" Bellamy said. 

"Nightblood doesn't work." Clarke said, looking at Faye. 

"We don't know that yet." Bellamy said. "Luna got sick before she got better, so--" 

"Even if you're right, they won't let us all into the bunker if I'm still sick. It took days for Luna's resistance to kick in, and by that time, the death wave will already be here, and all our friends will be dead. Are you okay with that?" Clarke asked. 

"You know I'm not. Clarke, unless I am missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive." Bellamy said. 

"What if there is?" Clarke wondered. "Faye." Clarke looked over at the girl holding her nose. 

"We have to go." Faye said as she fell to the ground. Echo grabbed her arm, keeping her from falling. Bellamy ran to her, helping her stand. "I'm fine." Faye began to stand on her own. She wiped the blood from her nose. 

They got in the rover and drove to the island as fast as they could.

"What are you doing here?" Raven asked when she saw them.

"We're not leaving you behind." Bellamy said when they all took off their helmets.

"But there's no time to get back." Raven said.

"We're not going back. We're going up." Clarke said.

"Oh, don't look so surprised." Murphy said. "It was all your crazy idea to begin with."

"Space?" Raven asked. "Uh, we don't have enough fuel to get down." 

"Sounds like a 5-year problem to me." Harper shrugged. 

"You're talking about the ring." Raven realized. 

"Seems like a shame to let a good rocket go to waste." Bellamy said. 

"Uh, how do we live?" Raven asked.

"They left a water reclamator there, and we know that the go-sci has an algae farm. We just get those two things up and running, and we have food and water." Clarke explained.

"Algae salads and recycled urine. Sign me up." Murphy said in his normal dry tone. 

"Better than dying." Emori said.

"Yeah. You say that now." 

"All right. Slow down. Breathing's important, too. What's the plan for oxygen?" Raven asked.

"Based on what Murphy says about the lighthouse bunker, I'm guessing--make that praying--there's an oxygenator there. We take it with us. You hook it up. Bob's your uncle." Monty explained. 

"You're an engineer, Monty. You do know there's about a thousand things wrong with that plan, right?" Raven asked.

"Yes, and everyone one of them kills us. Of course, staying here will kill us, too, so--"

"Raven, we need you to get us off the ground before the death wave hits." Bellamy said. "what do you say? Can you do it?" He asked.

"What do I say?" Raven looked at the monitor that showed the death wave's path, then the rocket. "I say that death wave can kiss my ass."

"Good. It's settled, then. we're going back to the Ark."

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