2. So... host family?

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Reading time: 17 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


Koko stayed with Tommy throughout the whole night, leaving only once and then coming back not even an hour later. When he woke up she was quick to bombard him with questions considering his wellbeing and if he remember they conversation. To say Tommy was overwhelmed is an understatement, even the nurse pleaded the orange haired woman to give him some space. After a brief talk-through of the teen's condition (he had to assure both women that his low blood pressure wasn't made by the explosion, he didn't even understand how that would be possible) the nurse left, Koko shortly after her leaving Tommy some clothes, that's when he learned about her nightly walk to her home.

He was hesitant at first, living in one's home was one thing but borrowing their clothes? But his own clothes were pretty much burned so with a reassurance that he only have to wear them until they get him his own clothes Tommy started to change. Koko left him a pair of black trousers, nothing special there, a white t-shirt with adorable cartoon kitties on it and a zip-up green hoodie with a badass dragon on its back. He might have fanboy over the dragon a little, but we won't talk about that...

So apparently Tommy was supposed to get out in a few hours, from what he heard there was just some paperwork that needed to be done before that, not much of a surprise, he was going home with a woman who not only wasn't this family but whom he was a complete stranger to after all. Oh, and her ex is a fucking villain too. You know, the norm.

Tommy wasn't badly hurt, his nose was in place so it shouldn't be a problem, unless he'd do something stupid, but he was under the impression that as soon as he was officially under Mrs. Koko's wing he wouldn't get a chance to, unless he'd really try. Thankfully he's left leg wasn't broken, only twisted. Now all he had left to do was playing on his phone until something actually happens. "So, what were those weird teletubbies that got me here yesterday?", he asked to end the silence. It was somewhat weird when he didn't talk to the woman he was supposed to live with for fuck-knows-how-long.

"Oh, those were the ninja. They're our saviours"

"So, they fight your ex?"

Koko shrugged with a small smile. "That's their job. If it wasn't for them more people would get hurt" Her smile turned into a frown as she sighed. "I still can't believe he'd actually hurt a minor...", she shook her head disappointedly.

"I'm fine, Miss Koko"

"Koko is enough, Tommy" She sent him another one of those reassuring smiles. He looked up from his phone causing his in-game character to die.

"I still don't think it's a good idea..."

"We'll be fine, honey"

"No I- You said you have a son" Tommy sat up on his bed, legs crossed as if he was about to meditate.

Koko acknowledge this attempt of changing the topic and laughed softly. "I sure do. Like I said, he's similar to you but he's really shy. I hope he managed to get through the morning without me. I know he can take care of himself but you know how mothers are"

Both of them laughed. "Yeah. So..."

"Anything else you wanna know?"

"I mean, I'm still kinda hanged up on those ninja. What are they like? How exactly do they fight?" Tommy put his head on one of his hands tilting it slightly and supporting it on his leg.

"Well, there's six of them, each a different color. There's Earth, the black ninja, all that we really know about him is that he likes music"

"I've been saved by the right guy" Koko sent him a questioning look so he quickly explained, "I'm quite found of music. Not really a musician myself but a lot of my friends make their own songs"

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