14. All at once, what can possibly go wrong?

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Reading time: 19 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


"Hello, I believe we met before" Tommy did a double take as the white ninja spoke to him.

"Am I that crazy or is their voice different than last time?"

"Definitely different than last time" With Techno's affirmation the blond's wild theory about Zane and Ice being the same person made even more sense. But if they weren't human, how did they make such a dumb mistake?

They didn't even give Tommy time to think about what just happened before his own fucking eyes.

"Y-yeah..." The teen decided to not voice any of his doubts.

"Are you feeling well?"

"Not really...? I— I don't know, everything's so weird..." Tommy placed a hand on his head, it was starting to hurt, and not only because of the impact with the theater's floor.

"Would you like to see a doctor?"

"More like a fucking therapist..." He muttered to himself. "Listen, I just wanna go 'ome"

The hero dressed in white gave him a nod. "Please follow me then" Having no other choice, Tommy followed possibly Zane as they led him through the city, all while some sea animal-people were wrecking chaos on the streets.

As soon as Tommy got to Koko's apartment the woman was all over him, checking for any injuries. Once that was over he was surprised to get hugged by her. "Um, Koko...? Is everything okay?"

"With me! You look like you just escaped death itself!" Tommy had no heart to tell her she was actually correct, instead he insisted he was fine and that he only needed a little break. With that breaking being him checking the ninja's social media again.

To his dismay, it only left him with more questions than answers.

He even went as far as to look up Zane's official profile and it didn't do jack! Though it was very similar to Ice's profile, just without all the fan interaction and with more school related stuff. Tommy kept on scrolling through the heroes' social media mindlessly.

"What if Zane's not the only one?" Techno asked suddenly, making the teen stop dead in his tracks.

Tommy furrowed his brows, "We don't even know if they really are one and the same"

"Didn't you also say Cole and Earth sounded like one another?"

"Earth was the one to help in Cole's dad's shop..."

Fucking hell, now there were two?

What's next? Every single one of Lloyd's friends is a ninja!?

"Wanna place our guesses?"

Nya would be Water, since she's the only girl in the team. She drove a car to Zane's place though so there was no saying if she owned a motorcycle...

With that it would be pretty ironic if Kai was Fire, he did act like quite the arsonist after all.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now