28. Life is brutal and full of surprises and sometimes kicks in yo ass

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Reading time: 16 minutes

Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar


Tommy and Tubbo walked through the forest until they found it – a semi-circular heptagon with weird lines and dots written into it. "This wasn't here before..." The blond admitted, squinting his eyes at the weird symbol.

"The fire was at this exact spot?" Tubbo asked to confirm. Tommy gave him a small nod, eyes focused on the ground. "Oh fuck. It really is a cult!"

"But what were they trying to summon..." Tommy slowly reached out a hand to touch the weird symbol burned onto the ground. After a short moment he felt warmth underneath his fingertips gently brushing against the burned grass. He jumped back as the symbol slowly light up in multiple colours.

Tubbo glared at him. "The hell did you do!?"

"I didn't do shit!"

"Like hell you didn't!!"

The two had a glare battle for a moment before looking at the lit up symbol. Or symbols combined into one big one. Upon further inspection the two blue eyed boys noticed each smaller symbol had its own colour - ice blue (almost white), electric blue, blue (they didn't have any second adjective for this one), red, orange, purple and some light green kind of -ish going into blue...?


Tommy threw his bestie an 'you for real, bruh?' look. "Do I look like a colour enthusiast?"

"...Pistachio...?" Tubbo offered again, making the blond groan. With the lack of support, the shorter teen discarded any other guesses and dropped the topic, instead taking a picture. "'Kay, we can go now"

"I beg the differ" The duo quickly got up, taking 'battle' stances as Danny the Fucked Cultist came out from the shadows, his little group following him soon after. "See? I told you he'd fell for it"

Tommy huffed. "Bold of you to assume I'm that dumb"

"Oh really? Then what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm not here anymore"


Before anyone could fully comprehend the situation, Tommy grabbed Tubbo's wrist and booked it the other way, hopefully out of the forest. "Was this right or left, Techno?" He asked out loud at one point. The two of them stopped once he received no answer. "Techno? Which way is the exit?" Why wasn't he answering? This was not the time for silent treatment! Also, Tommy did nothing to make him angry! So why—

Suddenly, a cold, cruel laughter sounded from...everywhere, it seem. Tommy tensed up, his blood running cold at the sound, he stepped closer to his friend, their sides glued together. "Your friend cannot help you now" If Tommy wasn't scared before, he'd certainly be scared now. It was that woman. "You're Tommy, right? Or so I've heard"

"Toms...?" Tubbo grabbed his shoulder with his free hand, voice barely above a whisper as he, too, was scared shitless. Their eyes met. The blond didn't answer, he only loosen his grip on the older's wrist to take his hand instead.

"And your dear friend Tubbo..."

Tommy gritted his teeth, squeezing the brunet's hand protectively. "What do you want?"

She chuckled. "You shouldn't have come here, Tommy. You're messing with my plans... But I'm willing to give you a chance. You better use it wisely, cause there won't be another one"

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