4. What broken nose?

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Reading time: 13 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar

All the time the blonds spent together was extremely awkward. It's safe to say they practically didn't talk to one another.

Tommy did try to start a conversation but the other teen only answered with short sentence barely more than two words or simply nodded or shook his head in response. This annoyed him. Tommy needed to talk to someone to stay sane! He contained himself from fighting over that seeing Lloyd was just too scared to talk to him. For what reason? Tommy didn't know. Maybe he was a fan, after all his fans living in this cursed city seem to be weirdos. Maybe it was something else, Tommy didn't ask.

When they got home Lloyd was quick to hide in his room leaving him free to voice his annoyance to the teen's sister, Zippy crawling over to him expressing how he understood his pain, or Tommy thought that was the case. Unhappy that Koko wasn't back yet he went to 'bed' already tired, who would've guess that walking with a twisted leg would be so tiring? Definitely not Tommy. He took a quick shower and changed in his pj, obviously, only animals sleep shirtless or in underwear only, not to mention sleeping naked, ugh. He made a face at that thought as he covered himself with a blanked laying on the couch.

Tommy felt asleep thinking what he could do when he wakes up. Which was not much...

He dreamt of that one time he and his friends opened a charity café and how they recorded the whole thing to get even more customers. It was a good time. It was what Techno made them promise to do if he ever died.

Tommy woke up with a sad smile. It quickly faded as he furrowed his brows feeling something on his face and, worst of all, his broken nose. He touched whatever was on his face and gently picked it up and looked at it with annoyance. "What the hell, Zip?", Tommy groaned in a sleepy voice looking at the remotely big hairy monster. The spider's legs were moving as if it was trying to escape his light grip. He sighed and placed Zippy on his chest, the pet laid there for a while with legs close to its body and then it went back on Tommy's face. "Zip—!"

His little tantrum, and the spider's assault on his face, was cut short by a laughter. Rumi took Zippy off his face and let him make his way up her arm to rest on her shoulder as she faced the annoyed teen with a smug smile. "He really likes you"

"Shut up", he growled narrowing his eyes at her. Tommy slowly sat up and lean against the couch's backrest, well in this case side-rest. When he was done staring daggers at the girl and telling her that he did not appreciate her pet waking him up like that, and her stating that this was how he shows affection, he got up and slowly made his way to the bathroom to change his clothes. He got himself a, wait for it, Terraria themed t-shirt! How awesome is that!? He also put on his jeans from the previous day.

What? He was not supposed to leave the house anyway.

Speaking of which, after eating breakfast, more like lunch at that time, Tommy realized that he had nothing to do. He shouldn't leave, he already broke that rule but it was a lesson learned the hard way as his leg kept him from sleeping for at least an hour last night. Being bored as hell he sat down on the couch turning the TV on and as nothing caught his attention he just settled on some animated movie, prolly Disney or some shit like that, to play in the background while he scrolled through tiktok. Somehow he got even more bored!

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now