3. Special attention

54 1 5

Reading time: 17 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


Tommy changed his clothes to something that was more of his style. A pair of light brown jeans, a black t-shirt with three white hearts – one realistic, one cartoonish and one pixelated, he kept the hoodie though. This golden dragon was really cool.

When that was done he went out making Rumi promise that she'll tell Koko he was out if he didn't return before the woman did. He looked at his phone and started to slowly make his way to the address the girl had given him. His left leg hurt with every move so this was literally a slow and painful experience. "Why the fuck do you fucking live in the opposite side of the fucking city!?", Tommy shouted annoyed. Some of the people walking on the street looked at him as if he was insane, he promptly ignored them. Kind of limping on one leg he walked on the sidewalk, people giving him weird stares, whispering to each other and everyone basically got out of his way cringing. What was their fucking problem?

Tommy, having had enough of this bullshit, started to glare at everyone that acted weirdly while he was passing them. In the corner of his eye he caught a red blur. He stopped in his track and went a few steps back stopping in front of a shop window looking at the can of coke. He was quick to go into the store to go and get it. As Tommy stood in the line, only one person before him, he started to feel... weird. He knew this feeling though, someone was staring at him. He nonchalantly looked at the cashier, nope. Ho looked out the window, nope again. That left only one option, whoever was staring at him must have been behind him.

The person in front of him left with their groceries and he decided to ignore that feeling as he stepped forward and put his coke can on the counter. One 'beep' and a card swipe later Tommy was outta there. He walked down the street sipping his coke but that feeling didn't go away. "Great, now what?", he thought to himself. Did someone finally recognized him? If so, they were a total creep by just staring and not ta—

"Uh, excuse me?" Tommy stopped as he felt someone lightly poking his shoulder and hearing a suspiciously familiar voice. Turning around he was meet by a tall, dark skinned boy around his age with shoulder length fluffy raven hair and chocolate eyes. "Uh, are you okay? I've seen you in the news, your plane crashed, right?"

This voice...

Why did Tommy knew this voice?

He was certain he had heard it before but couldn't remember where... "Yep, that's me, the one and only TommyInnit. I'm fine, thanks for asking" He decided to ignore this weird déjà vu and sipped on his sweet drink. "Hey, a little advice, next time you wanna talk to someone just do it and don't stare at them like some kind of creep"

"Oh, my bad. Didn't mean it like that..." He scratched his neck looking to the side slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine. Hey, by the way, do you know any shortcuts to this place?" Tommy showed him his phone.

The raven haired looked at the screen before answering, " 'Walker's workshop'? There's no real shortcut there..."

"Aw man", he wanted to swear but contained himself from doing so.

"But there's the subway. And it would be better for your leg anyway, I can take you to it if you want"

"Yeah, that sound like a good idea" Tommy muttered more to himself than the other teen. "Thanks, uh..."

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now