26. Pen-pal and some classic shenanigans

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Reading time: 15 minutes

Warning: swears, cursed humor, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar


Tuesday was officially a big failure; unofficially it was a small success.

Cole ended up making an official missing person report on his father right after Garmadon's attack finished. The duo felt bad for not telling they kind of know where the man is.

Buuuuut the trio got an invite from the syndicate.

"Wait, they said friends? Plural?" Tubbo questioned, staring at the unmasked teen with wide eyes.

Ranboo squinted his eyes, now questioning his own memory. "Uhhh... I'm pretty sure?

"You don't sound so sure" Tommy noted, for the first time checking how much ammo the gun had, to his utter surprise the chamber was full; Tommy also counted how many bullets were there - 10. He definitely shoot more than that.

"...Pixal is the Samurai"

Ranboo and Tommy looked at the shorter brunet with surprised expressions. "Why do you say that?" The blond asked.

"Oh shoot... This makes sense!" Ranboo exclaimed before Tubbo could elaborate. Now Tommy stared at the both of them, eyes jumping from one to the other.

"Think about it. Borg assigned her to help me help him make the stuff for our vigilante thing. And she's the only one who knows I'm also part of this"

"Also Maya though" Drista added, surprisingly walking into the room like a sane person would do.

"Thank you!" Tommy quickly cheered.

Tubbo raised a brow. "So you think Maya's the Samurai?"

The blond's smile fell and he looked away awkwardly. "...no"

"Thought so"

Tommy huffed while the girl laughed at him. The best option he got was not questioning this further. "So...the question is, do we tell her we know?"

"I say we wait until we're actually in the syndicate and check if they all know each other's identity. If they don't, then we talk to her privately" Ranboo suggested.

"And if it's not her?" Tommy asked, getting a glare from his husband. "I'm just saying we could be wrong!"

"Like hell we are" Tubbo rolled his eyes. "But sure, let's pretend I'm wrong. But ask either Pixal or the Samurai if they're one another and you'll get the answer. If they're not, tough luck. If they are, you buy me a car" He grinned evilly.

"Wait, what!? Where did that come from!? What would you even need a car for!?"

"So that I can follow you and save your ass?"

"You're not getting a car from me!"

"You made me sign the prenup!!"

"I don't own a car, Tubbo!!"

"You own a fucking plane!!"

"Not the same thing!!"

"Not to mention you're a billionaire!! Are you seriously telling me you can't buy a car-?"

"I may be a billionaire but I'm also a businessman! I don't just go around throwing money left and right, you know-!"

"You literally bought a private plane for funnsies-"

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