7. Opposite Karen mode activated!

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Reading time: 14 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar
TW: W.S. is mentioned


So many questions, so little answers.

Tommy finally got up from the couch, he quickly skipped towards the front door and out of the complex again. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea but this time he had no intentions on meeting up with randos, even the one that posed as his fans.

He stopped when he noticed he just passed a candy store, feeling around in his pockets he decided to go in and buy some live-savers in case he needed them. He then continued, now armed with a bad of candy, down the street until he reached his destination.


"Uh—" The blond turned around and locked eyes with the other blond. Lloyd blinked, confused with what he was seeing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm Scooby-Dooing" Tommy shrugged getting back to his work. He was sitting with crossed legs, holding a medium whiteboard with one hand while he used the other one to write on it with colorful markers. This kind of reminded him of writing lore.

No, scratch that.

This highly reminded him of Game Theory.

"Holy shit I'm the new MatPat..." He whispered to himself.

"What?" Lloyd didn't get an answer. "Okay... Uh, why are you... 'Scooby-Dooing'?"

Tommy turned to him again, this time looking dead in his eyes with a serious face. "The Gods have spoken to me"

The teen looked to the sides with nervousness. "What do you mean?" The only answer he got was Tommy turning more towards him and motioning at his Technoblade merch t-shirt. "Okay..." It seemed like the blue eyed teen had lost it, completely. "I'll... leave you to it..."

"Yeah, you better! I'm a very busy man!" Lloyd spared him the last glance before quickly going to his room. So quickly in fact, he lost some kind of green cloth behind. Tommy squinted his eyes, but before he could call out for the teen he came back and two times as fast grabbed it and disappeared behind a wall. Tommy furrowed his brows before glancing at his whiteboard. "Hm..."


"Your brother is sus"

"Name one time he wasn't" The girl rolled her eyes.

Tommy glared at her with suspicion while petting the spider in his lap. "Name one time you weren't"


"No, but seriously, you were hiding shit from, pretty much everyone! Being highly sus is a thing one does when they're hiding shit..." Tommy said, trailing off once he started thinking about his own words. He was right, of course! So right in fact, he started to wonder what type of secrets was the other blond in the house hiding.

"Listen, I don't really care about your 'investigation' play. Why'd you come here in the first place?" Rumi furrowed her brows and eyed Tommy suspiciously.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now