15. Who's the angel?

16 1 0

Reading time: 13 minutes

Warning: swears, my headcanons, my (bad) grammar


Tommy shifted anxiously from one leg to another, waiting for the door to open, humming while staring at the lyrics on his phone. Man, he really needed to learn the second and third verse, half of it seem to come out of nowhere!

He sighed as he got lost, thankfully the door finally opened. "Tommy, the future star! Come in, what do you want to drink?" Lou started as the blond crossed the front door. Before Tommy could open his mouth the man continued, "If you're planning on singing may I suggest my special brew? It helps to ease the vocal cords and prevents your throat from going sore"

"Uh, sure? I mean, I dunno if we'll be singing but that sounds like it could help me"

"Still sore after your cold?"

"Yeah, a little bit"

"Oh, it will work like a charm! Feel free to look around, Cole's in his room, I'm sure you won't miss it" With a wink and a bright smile Lou walked to the kitchen (which Tommy promptly ignored).

The corridor he just walked into was rather slim, enough for two people to comfortably pass each other but nothing more than that. In front of him was a big living room with all sorts of stuff, bookshelves, desktop computer, big ass TV (by far the biggest he'd seen in someone's house), couch and a game console with joysticks and a VR set placed in and on the TV table, other than that the room was fairly empty. Walking down the hallway Tommy passed the kitchen (where he noticed a small table to eat at) and found three doors, one to his right – they were opened wide for the world to see what's inside, and what's inside is the most normal master bedroom anyone could imagine (not that it was boring!) – one right in front of him – the bathroom – and one slightly on the left, a lot of music related stickers with a few cake related ones surrounding Cole's name, written in fairly big, orange, sparkling letters.

Yup, this couldn't be more obvious.

"Unless it's a trap"

"Facts" Tommy agreed, but knowing damn well this wasn't the case, he pushed the door open. As soon as his hand pressed the handle the soft sound of Pink Panther theme being played on the guitar reached his ears. With the door completely opened the two teens started at each other, Tommy with both surprised and amused look on his face, and Cole grinning at him, a joyful glint in his eyes. "Well that's an entrance"

"He does it all the time!" Lou called from the kitchen, making the raven head roll his eyes.

(It was true, he did it every single first time someone visited him.

Which made a total of three times, counting this one.)

Tommy hummed, smiling (a bit forcefully) as he walked into the room and closed the door. "Nice place"


No, no 'thanks', Cole.

His room had nothing Tommy could connect to anything from Earth's music videos, and he was 100% sure as he purposefully watched most, if not all, of the videos before coming here. Wasted an hour or two of sleep for that shit too.

TommyInnit da star: Tommy in Ninjago (MovieVerse)Where stories live. Discover now