Chapter 18: A Lesson On Power

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-Weeks Earlier-

Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap.

The sound of finger nail tapping smooth metal quietly echoed around a large, empty classroom. Irene Belserion was wrapped up in her long cloak save her one arm that was tapping the large desk in front of her that matched the cold, white color of the rest of the room.

Tap. Tap.


It bothered her. The room felt like a prison. Each desk had a built in scroll pad for students, an insurance that no one could 'forget' their material. Its brilliant in that regard, however it also takes autonomy away from students and the teachers as well.

No more hand checking notes or checking someone's handy work by walking around. Now its all done from the front of the classroom, less interaction with students. And Irene hated it.

Beacon gave autonomy back to the student by forcing them to take initiative. They could bring what they wanted, to a degree, and sometimes people would bring more than necessary, and sometimes people would bring less.

But it was their choice to do so.

If they wanted to research on their own, they could get up and go to the library to read physical copies or from any of the many computers there. Atlas did have a vast library, however many of the books were under lock and key for higher ranked Huntsmen. Beacon had all but a handful of books under that same vein. It may have been old school, but it was effective.

Irene, Acnologia, Oobleck, Port, Anna, Glynda, and even Ozpin prior to the fall knew nearly every students name. Student's weren't just numbers or blank faces, they were their students. People in their own right, not just soldiers in an army.

Thinking on it made Irene realize why the teams would do their best to stand out in their combat gear. Its the only time they had the ability to choose how the looked. At least for the most part.

Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap.


This place was not Beacon, and that fact only grew more true with each passing moment Irene spent staring at the cold interior of the classroom which somehow felt even colder than the icy tundra outside.

"Irene? Irene."

The Dragon Slayer was knocked out of her thoughts by Ironwood's voice,"Hm? Oh its you James. What brings you this way?" The General of Atlas stepped into the classroom, over the passed few weeks since the fall of beacon the man had been so enraptured in his work that he hadn't taken the time to properly shave his beard or even rest as the bags under his eyes had grown since last Irene saw him.

"I just got through speaking to Jacques Schnee and I heard a few people mention you were walking through the classrooms. Are you looking for someone?" Ironwood asked. "No not particularly. I guess I just miss Beacon is all."

Ironwood just nodded,"I understand. That's how I felt about Atlas when I arrived at Beacon for the Vytal festival."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Silence ensued for a few moments before the former Spriggan let out a sigh,"You said you were talking to that Schnee fellow. Did you happen to see Weiss? How is she doing?" Irene asked the general, curious on how one of her former students was doing.

"She seemed alright. I didn't talk to her for very long, but she looked alright." Ironwood told her causing Irene to lean back slightly, a little concerned for what she believed could be going on behind the scenes. "And her father?"

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