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Anxious Lina <3

Meeting the parents, without the parents.

And an attempted stabby because I like writing those for some reason

This is absolute sleepless night writing


Catalina took a deep breath before ringing the bell. She held a few white roses for Jane and kept tapping a singular thorn that was standing off.

She was uncomfortable, obviously. She wasn't even really sure what she was going to do, "just fucking breathe," she whispered to herself as a figure approached the door.

Jane opened the door and Catalina could see the exact moment in which Jane's face melted into adoring smile, "hi, darling," she stepped outside, instantly closed the door behind her and gave her girlfriend a kiss, "what's up? Why did you come over?"

Catalina fumbled with the stems of the roses, "I wanted to give you roses that I- uh that I grew."

Jane looked at the petals, "they're beautiful, thank you."

"You're beautiful," Catalina stared into Jane's eyes and muttered the words absentmindedly.

"And you're the best," Jane looked up at her contently, "look, I'd invite you in any other time, but unfortunately we have guests staying over."

Catalina handed Jane the roses, kissed her forehead and cupped her face, "it's all good, don't worry. I just wanted to drop these off because I know they're one of your favourites."

Jane hugged Catalina as a goodbye, "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Bye, my love," Catalina let a short curse slip once she was alone on the sidewalk and the door was closed.

She stopped walking and looked at the house, she saw a flash of green rush through Jane's room and frowned.

She had never really been to Jane's house when people were there so she completely understood that Jane had to send her away. But Catalina had also never met Jane's family, she didn't know if Jane had siblings, cousins, family members her age. And lately Jane has been acting weirdly even in school, excusing herself to spend some time with people who texted her, Catalina never dared to ask to join. But she took note of the change in behaviour.

Catalina only had two relationships before, one with Arthur for like a month and then Henry for two years. And neither of them really taught her how to be in a healthy relationship. Arthur had gotten ill shortly after they started dating and broke up with her so she wouldn't have her first relationship end in death. Sometimes she still missed him, but she had gotten over him quickly when she met Jane. Also, considering he didn't ended up dead. Henry wasn't good, all he really ever did was cheat and once Catalina caught him very physically cheating with that Boleyn she mustered the courage to break up with him on the spot. The break-up left her with horrible trust issues though, every little thing made her feel like shit for a certain amount of time. And because too many little things happened, they piled.

But Jane was different, she was always kind, never yelled at her and also had past experiences with Henry. They were only together for a month, but Catalina could tell that it was a hellish one. Jane had small soft hands, Catalina loved holding her hands. Before, Catalina's boyfriends always had bigger hands than she did, but she preferred it this way. Jane had lips that curled into smiles each time Catalina kissed them. Jane had a comforting calm voice, but when she was excited about something it had the power to get Catalina excited as well. Jane gave the best hugs, even if they mostly ended with her head buried in Catalina's chest.

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