♥ Chapter 33 - Bed First, Introduction Later ♥

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I stood up and shook my head, I had a blurred vision and I felt like the world was shaking, falling and ascending all at the same time.

"Uhm.. I see yellow bird. Okay." I said, my vision still blurred and I could see more than one person surrounding me, one touched me and I shook from the sudden touch but relaxed a bit.

"Who's there?? I can't see.." I paused, rubbing my eyes but it seemed to get worst. "Nevermind. Top priority is to fix myself, can't see who these people are without the use of sight."

"Wait, you can't see? Like you can't see anyone or are you just.." The person paused, who I assume is the one holding me right now.

"Oh no, I can still see but my vision is not so well.. I need help??" I asked for help, it sounded so weird for me because I'm usually the one helping but I felt bad for whoever was carrying me upstairs I think.

Each step was a creek, meaning someone had fallen down the stairs or something on those lines. "So uhm.. where am I?" I started, questioning whoever was carrying me.

"You're not in your place, that's for sure." They told me. "The names Passive, even if you can't see me. I'll visit you tomorrow when your vision is good enough and I will introduce you to the others, alright?" I nodded and I heard a door open, I can only depend on my hearing so I assume I am in my temporary room.

"Thanks for leading me, I don't really know what happened but all I did was something that others don't like?" I explained, looking around the room just a bit. "Plus, I'm not really one to saw thanks so uhm.. thank you??" It sounded more like a question than a thanks, Passive got it anyways.

"Your welcome! Call me anytime when you need me. You don't have to shout because apparently, we can hear who we call for some reason.." Passive paused, shaken by a memory.

"Hey Sunshine?-" I paused, realizing that Sunshine was not beside me. I sighed, actually hoping for him to help me cook. That was when I noticed the ground shaking and a voice yelled back.

"I CAN HEAR YOU FROM ACROSS THE FU(N)KING MANSION!!" Shouted Sunshine, not really proud about what they found out. That means that anyone can call out their names and annoy them, we all know what annoyance can do to a monster or human.

He sat me on the bed. "Anyways! I'll meet you soon, g'night!" Passive waved? and left the room, closing the door behind him as I flinched from the loud bang.

"Ouch.." I covered my ears because they started ringing. "Now I can't see plus, I can barely hear! Wait-.. but there's nothing to hear?" I covered myself with a blanket and groaned. "Time for torture." I closed my eyes.


"OH SH-" There was a sound like a table broke and lots of yells back in the living room, I sighed. "Why do I always have to be the mother here?" I headed to the living room.

"Hey guys? What's happening in here- OH MY GOD-" I did not even dare to continue that sentence when there was some octopus glaring at another octopus, one was helping their gang while the other was ignoring them.

"IS THA-THAT AN A-ABOMINATION?" The Error in the mean gang asked, staring at me. I felt offended and gasped, "YOU TAKE THAT BACK! YOU GLITCH B(EA)CH!" I yelled back at him, the mean octopus took side glances at me.

". . ." Both Errors paused, looking around before both of their Fresh scared them. One teleported in sight and the other attacked- I mean spook the Error from behind, the one that got spooked from behind needed a reboot because they crashed.

"HAHA! YOU DESERVED THAT ONE!" I said, putting on my victory face ( >•< ). The kind octopus was amazed by my cuteness while the other just ignored me.

"But uhm- back to talking.. My name is Passive and all of you need some nicknames." I smiled, no longer putting my victory face and my normal facial expression instead. "Your not in your Multiverse."

Reincarnated as Dream with DifferencesWhere stories live. Discover now