Chapter eight

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Madoka's pov

Madoka opened the hotel door, "Mami, can I come in?"  "Sure!" Mami welcomed. The room was small but looked nice and well cleaned. Mami was in her school uniform and she was sipping some tea. Madoka sat down on the couch.

"Is Sayaka coming?" Mami asked. "Soon-" Madoka's words were cut off as Sayaka opened the door. She held out a baseball bat, "I'm ready for magical girl training!" "I'll still need to teach you some things first," Mami giggled, "Come sit down with us." Sayaka rolled her eyes and sat down next to Mami and Madoka.

"Let's review," Mami pulled out a soul gem, "This is our soul gem, the source of our power." She then pointed to Kyubey who was sitting on the table, "When you make a contract with Kyubey, you become a magical girl." "You can wish for anything you want." Kyubey added while looking at Madoka. Madoka shuttered a little at Kyubey.

"Now, come on, it's time for training." Mami told them both as she got up. Mami transformed into her magical girl form and opened the door.

Until a little girl ran up to Mami, she had long white hair and a pink dress, "Can I come too?" The little girl had a pleading look in her eyes. "Of course Nagisa, but make sure to transform first." Mami told her happily. Nagisa then transformed into a magical girl.

"Is this your little sister?" Madoka asked

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"Is this your little sister?" Madoka asked. "Not biologically but sort of." Mami replied. "She's so cute!" Sayaka and Madoka said in unison. Nagisa smiled at them. "Look down there." Mami pointed to a forming labyrinth in one of the hotel walls. They all grabbed each other's hands and jumped down to the labyrinth. The labyrinth opened up and they all walked in.

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