Chapter twenty three

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Sayaka's pov

Sayaka felt angry at Kyoko, "So your comparing her to a dead magical girl who you consider, weak!?" "Well I ain't the one to lie." Kyoko retorted.

Sayaka narrowed her eyes and stood up while grasping Kyoko's hand firmly. "Sayaka?" Madoka asked. "Me and Kyoko need to talk outside." She replied. Sayaka then pulled Kyoko out there and shut the door.

"Chill out rookie, what is it?" Kyoko questioned. "You need to start showing more respect torwards Madoka." Sayaka growled. "You know me, I act like this." Kyoko told her. "Not around me!" Sayaka shouted.

"You're acting like you've known her forever!" She shouted back. "Because I have!" Sayaka confessed. "What the hell do you mean?" Kyoko asked angrily.

"Let me tell you something." Sayaka began, "I am not from this world, I come from a place called, magical girl heaven. It's for magical girls who died as one or as witches. Witches are mindless monsters that were all once magical girls. They are from a previous timeline that I knew you and Madoka from too. Madoka was a god for this current timeline, until some sort of curse happened and everyone banished from heaven, so now I am here."

Kyoko's eyes were widened

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Kyoko's eyes were widened. "Does.. anyone else know about this?" Kyoko asked. "Well anyone from magical girl heaven, including me and Nagisa, and apparently Homura does too, but I don't know why." Sayaka answered. "How does Madoka not know?" Kyoko asked. "She might of lost her memories somehow. I'm not sure." Sayaka replied honestly.

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