chapter sixteen

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Kaia slowly opened her eyes, instantly recognizing that something was wrong. She laid in panic, trying to figure out if she was dying or she had a wound. Which was it? Her stomach was in a lot of pain... Was she stabbed? Did Yang finally get pissed off enough? Was this it?

Kaia closed her eyes again, putting her hands over her face. 'Shit.'

Kaia raised her chin and looked down, seeing what she didn't want to see.


"Great." Kaia got up, feeling how wet and warm her pants were. "Fucking great."

'I must've been too tired to feel it in my sleep.' Kaia looked at her office's couch. 'I should've gone home. At least then it wouldn't be in such a public place.' Kaia groaned loudly, seeing how big of a mess there was. 'Fuck.'

She looked down at her watch, seeing it was only 6 am. 'Okay, not so bad fuck. But still fuck.'

Kaia's heart was beating fast, panicking. This was a horrible way to start a morning. This was a major setback. Not only did it disrupt her workspace, it disrupted her physical health. Now she'd deal with hot flashes and cramps.

Those were always her attackers when she was on her period.

She wasn't supposed to start her period today anyways. She should've had one more day; that's what her period tracker said at least.

And with that being said, she had no period supplies. She didn't bring any with her on her journey to Seoul and she's yet to buy any pads or tampons.

Kaia grabbed the jacket from her chair and wrapped it around her waist. It would have to do.

Kaia silently creeped out of her office, looking for a girl worker that was miraculously here this early-

"Miss Cho?" Kaia whispered loudly, seeing the receptionist walking down the hallway. She looked over at her, smiling brightly. "Miss Cho, I have a favor to ask of you." Kaia slowly approached the young lady, letting her walk most of the way to her. "Uhm, do you have a tampon or a pad or something? I-I just-"

"Did you sleep here?" Miss Cho asked, eyebrows pressed together in worry. "You look like you just woke up Sweetie."

"U-Uhm, yeah, yes. Yes I did." Kaia stuttered, taken aback by her words. "Uhm, I just... started my period." Kaia had trouble admitting it, rubbing the back of her neck. "Could I please, have a tampon or something?"

"Yes Dear, of course you can." Miss Cho patted Kaia's shoulder. "Let me run to my bag real fast and I'll meet you in your office, okay?"

"O-Okay." Kaia didn't want to have her in her office, but Miss Cho had taken charge already and Kaia didn't know how to stop the lady.

So Kaia walked to her office, seeing how bad the blood was. Kaia swallowed nervously, about to turn around to stop Miss Cho from even walking in-

"Oh Dear." Miss Cho held a tampon in her hands, seeing the blood. "Okay, that's okay." Miss Cho touched Kaia's shoulder gently, smiling at the young girl. "Are your clothes a mess as well?" She looked down, seeing the jacket, but wanting Kaia to answer.

"Yeah." Kaia swallowed again, feeling how dry her throat was. 'Oh my god this is so embarrassing.' "I-I was going to go to the store today because I thought I'd start tomorrow and I'm just so sorry." Kaia followed Miss Cho as she approached the couch, checking to see if the cushions zipped and separated from the cushiony part.

"Kaia, this is no big deal." Miss Cho reassured, showing Kaia such a kind smile. "I know a lady who works at a dry cleaner and she'll have this all cleaned up by noon today." Miss Cho pulled out her phone. "I'll text her now and she'll be over in no time."

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