chapter thirty two

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- hoseok -

hoseok - is now a good time to call?

jungkook - uh this is the worst possible time

hoseok - oh shoot

hoseok - why?

jungkook - cause kaia is knocked out lmao

jungkook - the flight attendant delivered her her requested apple juice and kaia downed it and then she was out

hoseok - awwwwwww

hoseok - did she take a pill before this flight?

jungkook - yep. thirty minutes before. just like the last one

jungkook - i'm hoping that since she's sleeping , she won't need another pill. which will help with her drowsiness and stuff

hoseok - she was drowsy?

jungkook - oh yeah lol

jungkook - she was completely out of it, it was so funny

hoseok - oh goodness oh goodness

hoseok - and you're helping her and such?

jungkook - of course!

jungkook - carrying bags, doors, directions, reassurance, etc

jungkook - listening to her ramble lol

hoseok - good :)

hoseok - i had no doubts

hoseok - so how are you

jungkook - i'm good! a little tired with the time change but i'm really enjoying this

hoseok - good. i'm glad

hoseok - try and keep this light hearted for kaia, okay?

jungkook - i am. i was just looking over the interviewers and such and im a bit concerned

hoseok - how come? what did bang schedule for her

jungkook - her last interview, literally four hours before our flight back to seoul, is an interview about her past with her parents and the "yang incident"

hoseok - what the fuck

hoseok - bang really scheduled that for her??

jungkook - yeah

jungkook - he writes in a note, "the world is extremely curious as to how you became the hurt yet strong woman you are. even more so with what yang exactly did to you. this interview will allow you to tell your story and reassure other victims of abuse in the world that they are not alone"

hoseok - i understand what bang is trying but this should be something on kaia's terms. kaia's picked out interviewer, kaia's location, kaia's length of time. not bang's. not some random american interviewer

jungkook - that is exactly what i am thinking

jungkook - i don't think she will be okay during the interview. especially because it's only been about a week since what happened

hoseok - of course she wouldn't be okay with it! once again bang is exploiting her and shoving her towards something way too fast

hoseok - she needs time to heal. she hasn't even spoken to us about what happened in her past and what her altercations with yang were

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