Trip to the beach

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Alright. As I said I made this up while trying to sleep so don't await too much of this

Kara's POV:


Ugh. Can't she let me sleep one time in this cursed life?!

Me: Why do you always have to wake me up so early when we want to go anywhere?!

Mom: otherwise you wouldn't wake up in time.

Me: but it's five in the morning!

Mom: exactly. If we get started now we'll have one hour for breakfast and two for cleaning the house and loading the van.

Me: why do we have to clean the house?!

Mom: Because I don't want to come home to...

Oh no is she coming up stairs?! I swear if she's gonna say stuff like "your room looks like there's been a tornado in here" or "Looks like a bob exploded" one more time I'll-

Mom: what ever this is. God did a bomb explode here?

There she goes again

Mom: anyway, I expect you to be ready in ten minutes

Me: but mooooom

Mom: no buts.

Ugh I hate it when she does that

I so desperately want to curse but I can't

Mom may be down stairs again but mom hears everything. Mom sees anything. Mom knows everything

And right in this moment I stepped on a Lego.


Oh oh

Mom: *gasp* Kara Pink Dalem! You come down here this instant!

Welp. I'm doomed

As I walked down the stairs I already embraced death

Me: yes mother?

Mom: How dare you curse in this house?! Your father and I didn't take you in and raised you just so you could CURSE.

For those of you questioning yourself now, I am adopted. My parents found me abandoned on a field of flowers. They had wanted a child for the past two years without luck. They had just come back from the doctor who told them that my mother was unable to have children. They told me that I was a miracle. I don't know if they'd still have taken me in if they knew all the things I'd be involved in when I grew up but for now let's focus on the now shall we?

Me: I'm sorry mom. It won't happen again.

Gosh I hated being yelled at. It made me feel worthless

Mom: ok hun. Now go get ready or your father will eat all the Pancakes

Me: huh, good luck with that. He always makes too many for us to eat

Mom: yeah well this time I made them and your father eats like it's his last meal

Me: oh sweet Jesus! Save one for me please! I'll be ready in five minutes!

Mom: you always say that and you take half an hour.

Ok for the record, I'm not that slow. I just get lost in thoughts often.

Me: but this time I'll be quicker!

Mom: you always say that Pinky

That's the nickname they gave me. It's pretty cute and stuff but... They call me like that because of my eyes which would be alright if I weren't the outcast because of that. Stupid eyes. I told my parents I was being bullied because of my skin tone. My mom and dad are as white as can be while I am brown. I'm not black but I'm also not white. It's hard to describe but my parents think one of my biological parents was black. When my grandma found out she didn't want to believe it because she's a little racist. My skin was also one of the facts that lead my classmates to find out I was adopted which turned out to be one of their favorite things to tease me with. So it wasn't entirely a lie but also not entirely the truth. I never mentioned anything about being bullied about my eyes to keep them calling me pinky. I like that name.

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