The thing with the sugar

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Kara's POV

It was Friday afternoon. Two weeks after my birthday... which means only one week to go! Speaking of which, I had just come back from school and sat down to do my homework

It was quite. Too quiet for my liking. Normally my father would have Zoom meetings and I would hear him talking and such but now I heard nothing

After I had finished my work, I went to look for him. I looked everywhere. Even in the yard but he was nowhere to be found

I decided to call him but I realized that his phone was on the kitchen table


I called my mother. She always knew where either of us was. Always

She picked up and according to the background noise, she was sitting in a car

Mom: hello?

Me: Hi mom, it's Kara.

Mom: oh hi there! What's the matter?

Me: Is dad with you? He isn't home.

Mom: oh yes dear he is here! We are home in about 15 minutes and we're bringing a surprise!

Me: oh. Ok then! Bye!

Mom: bye!

I hung up

Another surprise? Weird.

Hm, whatever.

I went to the living room and switched on the TV

After only 10 seconds of getting comfortable, someone knocked on my door

Seriously? Did mom actually get the time that wrong?

Normally her time is one of the most precious things in her life. That's probably why she very rarely spends any with me... She is always there on my birthday though!

I went to open up, expecting my mother to stand but it turned out to be Mrs. Schmidt

Me: o-oh. Hello!

Mrs. Schmidt: Hello deary! I wanted to... Eh... What was the word again? Leihen?

Me: lend or borrow.

Mrs. Schmidt: ah yes that was the word!

There was silence

Me: what did you want to borrow?

Mrs. Schmidt: hm? Oh right! Sugar! I wanted to borrow sugar.

Me: of course! Let me check if we have it!

I guess I talked a little too fast there.

Mrs. Schmidt: hä? Was?

Me: hm? Did you not understand?

Mrs. Schmidt shook her head

Me: of...

Mrs. Schmidt: eh, Deutsch please.

Me: oh. Ehm... Uh... Natürlich, lass mich nachsehen ob wir es haben

Mrs. Schmidt: ah! thank you deary!

I went into the kitchen and looked in the drawers while Mrs. Schmidt talked about something

Mrs. Schmidt: you know, when I was young, we didn't say please. We said...

She inhaled deeply before she screamed her throat out


She scared me so much that I jumped a little

Me: my god Mrs Schmidt! How loud did you want to be?!

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