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This is one of the few times I will be writing for Nora's point of view because I can relate better to Kara and the story is going to focus on her most of the time. There's just more going on in her life.

Noras POV

It was a regular morning, dad was still asleep, the gems were in their rooms and mom was still lost in space.

I miss her so much but let's start from the very beginning. Eight years ago, on Christmas which was total shit, scientist discovered how to open the multiverse. Not long but it was enough for the people of the other earth to give out a message to us. They were asking for help! Something, or better, someone was going to destroy all universes. Just after that, a giant portal began to open. Out came many space ships and at first we thought it were the other humans that asked for help but that wasn't the case. I wasn't there of course since I wasn't even born yet but my father told me that it's gem-human creatures. Not hybrids. No, those were beings that looked like gems and could poof and shatter but they needed food and sleep. The other earth blew up behind them with no possible survivors. That day, all around the world, four portals opened, letting he who has no name and his army terrorise the universe. The diamonds and their gems still fight to this day. One year ago, my parents left to destroy one of their ships flying around earth. What they didn't know was that that was he who has no name's ship. He didn't even try to fight mom. Dad said that he wanted Pink Diamond and of course he wouldn't hand a 20.000 year old all mighty stone to him.

He learned how to survive with out grandma's stone a while ago and so, he passed it on to me. With her gem, came a fourth of her true power. The powers from my dad are genetic so he has them anyway

Continuing on, when Dad said no he grabbed my mother and commanded a guard to put her in a cell. Than told dad that he would only free her if he gave him Pink was thrown off the ship but due to future vision Garnet and the gems had saved him with a space ship. We never saw mom again.

The whole day was soooooooooo boring! We had to clean the the house for guests that were stopping by

I would have never guessed what a great day it would be

That day I found someone who was just like me

Ok it wasn't much but I think it answered a few questions. see ya!

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