birthday party

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Kara's POV

It was dark. I was alone. Though I could have sworn I felt something. Someone.

Suddenly, there was a whisper. I could see a bright flash of light far away from me. Even though I was scared, I had the urge to run towards it. And that's exactly what I did. With each step, the whisper got louder and louder. I heard someone laughing. I didn't know who it was but it sounded familiar. I had almost reached the light and I could hear the voice loud and clear. It was a woman. Her sweet laugh made me feel happy. Just as I reached the light, it disappeared. I didn't hear the voice anymore. The background around me started to change to what looked like a... Prison?

All cells were empty but one. A rather battered woman was sitting in the dark looking pretty hurt. She had a few scars on her face and arms. Something in me told me to talk to her

I cleared my throat

Me: uhmmm... Hi?

She looked up surprised

Woman: who are-?!

She looked in my eyes

Woman: Nora? Is that you?

She looked at me with a spark of hope in her brown eyes

Me: no... I- I- I'm... Kara.

Woman: oh.

The woman looked down, the hope disappearing from her eyes

Woman: what are you doing here?

Me: I don't... Know? I was just... I don't know. I was just minding my business and blup! I'm here! How about you?

Woman: what does it look like?

She showed her arms. They were scarred and... Did she have handcuffs?

Me: oh.

Woman: oh.

There was a very awkward silence.

Woman: so, uhhhhh...

She was interrupted by a booming voice coming from outside the door.

I didn't know what it was but she seemed to recognise it. Her eyes wide, she looked scared to death.

Woman: quick! You have to get out of here! NOW!

Me: wh- why?! What's going on?! Who was that?!

Woman: it doesn't matter! GO. AWAY!

Me: I'm not gonna take orders from a stranger that I met in a literal prison! Stars, I don't even know your name!

Did I just say "stars"? I don't even know why I know that expression!

Outside there were loud footsteps coming closer and closer

Woman: well if that is what you want, Hi. I'm Connie Maheswaran-Universe.

Me: Maheswaran-Universe? You must be Nora's mother!

Woman: you know her?! How is sh-?!

She was again interrupted. But this time by the opening of the door.

In stepped a tall guy with black skin, black clothes and black long hair. Honestly he looked a little like an Emo Boy

?: Why are you being so loud?! You'r annoying my-!

His attention now belonged to me

?: Oh! Hello little sorceress~ what a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect you here. How did you get in?

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