Sunshine, chatting and OUTBIRSTS

16 1 46

My dream was as dull as yesterday. Only running, no Connie, no mysterious mother

It's boring and... I kinda miss Connie

If we get on the ship... Then maybe we can safe her

We can meet in real life without any prisons to separate us... That would be nice

But I had to shove these thoughts to the side because I was on my way to school

I ran into the school building and pressed myself through the people to get to my locker

I eventually reached it and opened up

I switched my old school things with the new ones and closed the door again

Unfortunately behind the door stood none other than Pia

Pia: h-hi there!

She had a big smile with a slight blush on her face

I screamed and fell to the floor

Pia: OH! I'm sorry! Let me help you...

She offered me her hand and pulled me back on my feet

Me: thanks...

Pia: so.... I heard you are gonna train with me from now on?

Me: oh... yeah looks like it!

Pia: Cool! Little hint, bring a t-shirt and long pants. You'll probably have to slide across the floor once you get better so shorts hurt like hell.

Me: really? I thought I should bring short stuff... can I ask you something?

Pia: yeah sure!

Me: is sword fighting anything like fencing?

Pia thought for a moment

Pia: uhmm... I don't know. I don't know about fencing. Why?

Me: well if it is like fencing I can do it... probably.

Pia laughed a little

Pia: good to know. let's get to class

time skip to lunchbreak because school is frickin boring

we went outof our classroom to the cafeteria while talking

Me: so, what's your favourite subject?

Pia: English. For sure.

Me: really? well mine's sport... and music. doing sport while music plays. or making music while watching sport.

Pia: uhu. you like sport and music. got it

we went on walking in silence for a few seconds

Pia: Ok. soooo... out of curiosity, are you..."a friend of mara"?

Me: mara? Who's that?

Pia looked at me

Pia: no one. forget I asked

when we reached the cafeteria we sat down at a free table next to eachother

me: what's your hoobys?

Pia: well you already know that I fight with swords and then I also play the bass, draw and I recently started to take dancing lessons. and you?

Me: Well you know that I fence but I also play guitar, taught myself a little piano and I like to play tennis.

Pia: wow that's-

Nora: heeeyyy there! what are you doingggggg...?

she looked at us sitting next to eachother while smiling

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