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When I regained consciousness, I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach

As I looked down I saw a knife covered in blood

The one holding it turned out to be Pia

Or was that Pia?

She had glowing blue eyes just like my pink ones

She was crying and staring at the knife the whole time

When she finally looked up you could see the fear and pain in her eyes

She was standing on the cliff above the temple, all around her were wrecked parts of ships

I turned out to be flying just next to the cliff

If I fell down here, I would die. That part was clear

Pia looked at my stomach again and slowly let go of the knife

Just as she had let go I felt another well of pain, letting go of a scream long overdue

I felt my body slipping and falling down

Pia carelessly jumped right after me

I was falling for quite a bit until I hit something

I was sure I would die but somehow I was still alive

Some weird pink hexagons had formed below me and caught me

It was only a few meters over the ground but apparently enough to stay alive

I looked up, subconsciously looking for Pia

Nora has grabbed her and floated to the ground with her

My hexagon thing was also lowering itself

But other than Pia and Nora, it didn't hit the ground but stayed floating there

I couldn't move much because too much movement would cause pain so I just layed there halfway awake

Pia immediately ran to me after getting back down

Me: Pia- wha- what is going o-

I heard a clicking sound behind me

I moved my head a little to see what it was

An old man whom I didn't know was holding a gun pointing at my head

God I hate America. Why is it so easy to get weapons there?!

His hand was shaking and his fingers got nearer to the trigger

Nora realized what was going on

Nora: Grandpa no! She's awake! Don't kill her!

He didn't hesitate to quickly put his gun back into the pocket

Me: you w- wanted to k-kill m-me?!

Gigi: Kara... You almost wrecked the whole town. You weren't yourself. You were all pink and just kinda flew up there and cut through spaceships like they were a piece of cake.

Me: wh-what?

Gigi: yup. That there, it wasn't you. You wouldn't answer and you didn't recognize anyone. You were completely gone. Our only option was to k-

Me: "only option"?! You could've at least try to cage m- AGH!

Pearl had forcefully ripped out the knife out of my stomach

Pearl: I'm sorry Kara. No one could catch you. This was our only chance. You were simply too powerful to be left alive.

Me: so you are telling me that an entire army, plus the crystal gems, plus the diamonds couldn't handle a semi magic teenager?! That's shit!

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