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Kara's POV

It was July 6th. Meaning, it's my birthday. Or at least the day my parents found me.

I stopped having party's at 12 because no one showed up anyways.

Each night I had the same dream. Since beach city, I haven't dreamed of anything else. It got boring with the time. Connie and I acted like each other's therapists.

I told her about my life and she told me about hers. I don't know who's life is crappier. I'm a teenager with depression and claustrophobia and she's a middle aged woman sitting in a prison all day and being held captive because someone wants a lifeless gem.

I still have no friends except for the one's from Beach City. My grandma just died of cancer and my parents are really down.

Some of you may relate to me on some level and whoever does, I'm sorry for you.

So yeah, my life kinda sucks.

I walked down the stairs to find no one sitting at the table. There was a big pile of pancakes with a little note though

"Dear Pinky, We're sorry we couldn't eat with you but we had to go to work early due to an emergency. We hope you are happy and will have a good day.
Love, mom and dad
PS: don't be late to school"

I ate my breakfast with no motivation at all. But DANG my dad can cook!

I got ready for school and off I go back to hell!

As I was almost at the main entrance, a really strong smell of perfume told me that my day was just getting worse

Lisa: oh look who it is! If it isn't the little freak! How does it feel when your special day is one of the worst days in history?

Yup. My birthday is the day those aliens came through the portal. Aliens... Kyle was still somewhere in my closet, hidden in a locked safe. He would be around 25 years old now... Did he even age? I don't know. And now wasn't really the time to find that out since my backpack was grabbed and torn off my back.

Lisa: oups.

She started throwing it to her two "friends" Priya and Henry. Those two were always with her. They call each other friends but everyone knows that Priya and Henry only hang out with Lisa because her father is the mayor

So, this is my first bully-pack. I guess I'm going to have to deal with the other two too.

I let them have their fun for about 2 minutes until it was enough

As my backpack soared above my head I jumped and catched it in a, If I may add, pretty cool way

Lisa: oh, so you think you're something very special right, Pink?

They knew my name but chose this name to mock me. They had no clue that I was actually fine with that. After all, it's my middle name

Me: no. I don't. But what about you? Going around with that outfit?

I pointed at her outfit that was just a   really short skirt with a tight white shirt that showed her belly

Me: you just look like a slut. Do you not get enough attention from your dear old dad or are you just that desperate for him to notice you?

Everyone knows that she has a crush on that popular boy. I mean who doesn't? He was tall, handsome and played basketball. The perfect person. Everyone loved that dude.

Except for me. He is a year above me and that guy just wants to fuck every girl he sees. Except for Lisa, that is. One day I was wandering around in the hallway during lunch and Keith walked up to me and tried hitting on me. Me the fucking freak of the town!

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