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Little heads up: there will be a change of writing style in the middle of this since I came to notice that I write better like that.

Nora: so like, what even happened in there? You know... When they died?

I stopped walking for a second and then just ignored her and started again

Nora: too soon? Ok. Sorry.

Me: it's ok. But like, it's only been a few days and honestly, I don't really know... What happened either.

Nora: oh? Oh... why?

Me: Because I was knocked out while he was in my mind infront of the door while he MURDERED my family.

Nora: oop... ok uhm... should I come with you to his room or...

Me: Aren't you already doing that?

Nora looked around clearly a little irritated

Nora: oh. right. Yeah so... that was embarrassing.

Me: don't worry. I'm a little cunfused these days too. I guess that's just what happens after a big life-changing event.

We stayed in silence for a while

Nora: sooo... what are you gonna do now?

Me: what? I'm making sure my brother is alright.

Nora: no I meant... in general. I mean... you can't exactly... do everything on your own now. you're not an adult yet.

Me: I... I have no idea honestly. I mean, I'm kind of an orphan now aren't I? so-

Nora: But you can't!

Me: I don't really have a choice do I?

Nora: but- there's no orpanege near by...

Me: I'm gonna have to move away. Besides, it'll probably only be for 2 years. I'm 18 then.


Me: no?

Nora: no I won't let you move away. How would you live your lovestory?!

Me: what lovestory?

Nora: Oh come on! You literally agreed to go on a date with her! It's pretty obvious that you're gay!

Me: uhm... I'm pansexual, actually.

Nora: oh sorry. but still! ...I'm gonna talk about this with someone. We'll find a solution. I promise.

Me: ...well you better keep that promise then.

Nora: trust me. I will.

She confidently smiled at me as she bumped into a door

Nora: ouch- since when was that here?!

Me: I don't know. I've never been here before. one of the only hospitals I haven't been to actually.

Nora: What? Why did you have to go to hospitals?!

Me: well at first because of my eyes since my parent's were scared I had an illness or something, then because of my constant panickattacks becaus I'm claustrophobic but we didn't know that yet and then for my constant bruises.

Nora: wait why didn't I know you were claustrophobic?!

Me: I don't know. I never felt the need to mention it I guess. watch out!

Nora was about to walk in a wall

Nora: oh... thank you...

Me: you're welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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