goodbye forever. or maybe not?

24 2 87

Nora's POV

I had that dream again. No need to go into detail. Just the normal routine. Light, laughing, running, disappearing, prison, small talk, waking up.

Nothing new anymore.

I liked Connie. She was a friend now.

I always wake up sweating after the dream

It's not bothering me but it's kinda bad for my hygiene

I looked at the green bubble under my bed and sighted.

Now how am I gonna get you to empire city?

Anyway, my mom had more important business to attend to as usual and my father sat at the table eating some bread with me.

Dad: is there anything specific you want to do on your last day?

Me: yeah. I want to say goodbye to my friends

That seemed to make him a little upset

I think he had hoped I would say I wanted to spend some time with him at the beach

But I had other plans. I'm going to teach jasper no matter what.

Dad: your not... Mad at me are you?

Me: a little

Well that's what he gets for making me go away from my only friends

Dad: oh pinky... It's not like we can move here.

Me: why not?

Dad: it's too far away from my job. Finding one these days is very difficult. And also, there wouldn't be a house available

Me: but we're in one right now?

Dad: that's something else honey. And really, here isn't the needed space.

Me: why?

Dad: because this house is too small for three fucking people!

Me: what did you say?

Dad: ehm... It was nothing. Just... Forget about it ok?

Me: no I don't think I will.

Dad: ... If you don't tell mom that I said this you'll get a cookie.

Me: which Cookie?

Dad: what ever you want.

Me: ... Do I... Get to curse and will you allow me to stay up late today?

Dad: ... Ok.

Me: I fucking accept your trade offer.

Dad: thanks.

Me: well I don't know about you but I'm gonna get going. Won't be back until sunset!

Dad: Didn't expect anything less.

I walked out of the front door with confidence but my father yelled something behind me

Dad: Pinky you forgot to change!

Me: I don't need to change I'm good the way I am!

Dad: No! I mean your in your pyjamas!

I looked down and fair enough, I still had my baby pink pyjama on

Me: oh. Whoops.

I sprinted back inside and kicked my shoes to the side.

My shorts, T-shirt, my jacket and sunglasses. That should d-... Oh. My underwear.

Well I took off my clothes again put my underwear on and the other things and now that should do it.

I ran back through the door when I was stopped by my father's voice again

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