fight or die

17 1 56

The boom made my father jump a little and my mother stopped screaming

I grabbed the door knob but before I could go I was held back by my father

Dad: P-Pinky you're- you're not going out there are you?!

I looked him in the eyes and nodded

Dad: tha- that's Not- that's crazy! You can't just-

Me: yes I can. I have a sword, remember?

Dad: yeah well without proper training that doesn't help you very much!

Me: I have proper training.

Dad: wha- but-

Me: I've been training these past few months and oh would you look at that

I held up my wrist to show off my star

Me: I'm a crystal gem now. So don't tell me what to do.

Dad: what but-

I glared at him with my glowing eyes

I didn't actually want to scare him but in this moment I lost control over myself

He slowly backed up

The situation was a little more tense than before and my mother didn't dare utter a word

I snapped back to reality again

Me: I- look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be this mad I just- I don't want you treating me like a little girl anymore. And I know that I technically still am one but- I've grown up. I'm not that quiet little kid anymore. This may sound like a silly thing teenagers say but I really feel like you still think of me as an infant?

Dad: but-

Me: yes, yes I know that it's dangerous and you just want to protect me but there's things that I do that you don't know of. I vowed to protect this planet from harm and I'm going to keep my promise. So pleas, trust me on this one. When I get home again, you can scream at me all you want. But right now, I need to do my job.

I opened the door and was jumped at by a world crosser

Dad: Watch out-!

Before he could even finish his sentence I had already instinctively grabbed the World crosser's arm and threw them onto the street

Dad: wha- how did you-?

Me: didn't I tell you I have been training? Now lock the door before someone gets inside!

I said while closing the door

The world crosser tried to get up but I noticed and hit them with the flat side of my sword

They poofed right in front of me

Strangely, they didn't shatter right after

Left was the same kind of gem that I've had in my closet for all those years

I didn't know what to do with it

Just seconds later Jasper came flying from the beach

I looked over to it and saw a lot more people fighting

Under the fighting people a pretty buff world crosser caught my eye

They was standing there facing towards me, looking like it has just thrown somebod-


Jasper painfully landed a few feet beside me

Me: oh! Jasper are you ok?!

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