A normal play night. right?

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The time flew and days became weeks and weeks became months

The summer had passed and the trees lost almost all their leafs

Lapis and Peridot had been seen walking across the woods more and more often and we had started talking

The world crossers had been seen lesser and lesser and Kyle and Noras family had made peace

I hadn't missed a day of sword practice and got better every time

I grew to be serious competition to Pia and Pearl although they both were still by far better than me

All in all, it was great

I had also started doing things in the garden house and now it looked pretty good

All it took was vacuuming, a little paintig, furniture and decorations like pictures and pillows

Gigi, Pia, Nora and I had become best friends and for the first time in my life, I felt truly at home

Max had showed me some of the best nearby shops and he was actually a pretty cool dude

His date sadly wasn't really good and we like to gossip over people like Yelena, the school bully.

You know the worst part about Yelena? She's the second oldest sister of Pia and she's the only person who doesn't get bullied by her

Wile we're at friendships and enemies, Kyle was allowed to walk freely now. They started hanging out Pearl and Amethyst a lot

Them and Pearl liked baking a lot so they started trying new recepies every sunday

Amethyst and Kyle liked going to the arcade together. They called themselves the "Queeros" out of some reason

My little crush on Kyle was only for a short period of time since my feelings for Pia were a lot stronger

Nothing else significant really happened so let's get back to the actual part of this story.

It was a rainy sunday afternoon and Halloween was right around the corner... and so was Jaspers 9th birthday

Jasper had been asking if he could train with Pearl too but she only ever told him that he was far too young and that he'd have to wait until he is 14 to begin so, I had made two wooden swords so that he could play with me

I was going to give them to him on his birthday which was in 3 days

I came home after hanging out with Nora and Jasper nearly gave me a heart attack

He was standing in total darkness with his new batman costume on

Me: Jass what the heck?!

Jasper: They think I'm hiding in the shadow. But I am the shadow. I am Batman.

Me: ...How old are you, 40?

Jasper: Hey! Mom says it's cool!

Me: Yeah, but mom's 50.

Jasper: she's 49.

Me: The same. By the way, what are you doing in that costume already? Halloween is tomorrow?

Jasper: I wanted to scare you!

Me: Ah well, you reached your goal

Jasper: Yesssss

Me: ...Where are mom and dad?

Jasper: Date.

Me: huh. They deserve it.

Jasper: Yup. Sooo... Since they're gone for the night...

Me: Yeah ok we can have a sibling night.

Jasper: Perfect! We can play GTA6 and watch horror movies all night long!

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