past or present?

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Kara's POV

As I felt the dream falling apart I realized what was awaiting me in the real world

Would I be going to jail? Or have to stay at a madhouse?

At least I would've got somewhere to go.

To be honest, I would've rather died.

Yes there would be people missing me but come on.

How much could I possibly be worth to them?

They even tried to kill me...

Even Pia-


I have to think about something else.

Let's see... What is there...

My brothers birthda- oh right...

Halloween? No... There's no one left to celebrate it with...

Anything else?

Fall holidays? No... I'll just be sitting in my room the whole d- oh wait.

No home.


So there really is nothing for me...

My date with- no. She tried to kill me. I don't think she wants that.

I'm- I'm alone aren't I?

No family... My friends wanted to kill me...

Hell I don't even have a house.

I- I really messed up didn't I?

I've got... nothing...

So then... Why am I still here?

I felt my mind drifting into the real world

I woke up staring at the faces of my so called friends who tried ending my life

Nora: Kara? Are you feeling ok?

I was silent for a moment and then answered

Me: as ok as I can be after loosing everything, leashing out, being stabbed, falling down a cliff, almost bleeding out and then having the weirdest dream in my life.

Nora: yeah sorry about that. Kara... I have to apologize. It was my idea. My very last idea I had to stop you. I'm sorry.

Me: it's ok. Pia should've aimed for the heart or the head though.

Pia: don't say that!

Me: I'm gonna say what ever the fuck I want!

I couldn't think clearly

Me: I don't know what was going on but I bet it wasn't that bad

Nora saw me wobbling a little and went out of the room for a short while

She then came back in

Nora: folks! Kara is on drugs.

Gigi: why would they put her on drugs?!

Nora: well their tests apparently could hurt a little.

Pia: oh...

She looked at me while my tired brain tried to process what I had heard

Pia then couldn't control herself anymore and basically threw herself at me and hugged me

Her head was resting on my chest again and honestly, I didn't want to stop.

I wanted to stay like that for ever.

Nora whispered over to Gigi but I could still hear what she said

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