Jasper the artist

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Kara's POV

My vision got blurry and my world changed to a prison again

An unconscious Connie laid in her cell, looking horrible

Horrible wasn't even half of what she actually looked like

She had a big bleeding wound over her face and her leg looked broken

She looked as though one could mistake her for dead but she was breathing

I was still scared from meeting the big man but gathered enough courage to bring out the following words

Me: C- connie? Are you ok? How are you?

I think she was slowly regaining consciousness because she groaned

Well "slowly" wasn't really the right word because only seconds after, she shot up and opened her eyes fast

I was caught off guard

She turned her head to me and looked really scared

Connie: kid! You can't come back here anymore! Please!

Me: wh-what? What are you talking about? Why can't-?

Connie: listen: he wants pink diamond more than anything! He won't stop until she's dead! Kara you have to leave now! YOU-!

I couldn't hear what she said next

Everything got blurry again

I woke up, still unsure of what in the kentucky fried fuck happened

Someone knocked on my door

It was Jasper and he had something in his hands

Jasper: Kara? Mom said I should bring you this after you didn't show up for breakfast

He handed me my sunglasses

Jasper: you left them down there. There will be guests over tonight so you might wanna get dressed

Me: guests?

Jasper: yeah! A welcome to the neighborhood!

Great. The last thing I needed right now was being social

Jasper went out of the room but forgot to close the door

Me: Jasper? Door.

He didn't hear me and so I got out of bed and did it myself

I just put on some shorts and my diamonds fan t-shirt

Yes there are fan t-shirts of them. There's even a movie called diamond wars coming up!

After I had met them I read and learned very much about them and eventually became a fan

But let's not make this about my weird obsessions

I went downstairs to eat something

Dad: ah! There you are! Have you been sleeping all this time?! It's 12:30 PM!

Me: yeah. trust me, I wouldn't have complained to sleep a little less

Dad: well, we still have to go grocery shopping today so we only have some fruits for breakfast

Me: that's alright.

I grabbed an apple and was about to bite in but was stopped by my father

Dad: wait! You have to wash those first!

Me: oh. Right.

Welp, you probably know what I did next.

Yep! Washing the apple.

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