Back again

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I walked through the hallway with Volleyball

She was supposed to bring me to earth since I obviously couldn't warp there myself

As the warp stream took us to earth there was a very uncomfortable silence

When we arrived she immediately warped away again as soon as I was off the warp

She had warped me to little homeworld

It was really destroyed.

There was a gigantic piece of a ship stuck in one of the buildings and all around were different houses in a not so great state

Was I the reason?

I got angry side eyes from all around

There was not much doubt in my mind that this was my work.

I started slowly walking towards the end as a big figure stepped in my way

Bismuth: hey, hey, hey. In case you haven't heard, you are banned from here. Who am I kidding of course you haven't heard we only agreed on this just now...

Me: huh?

I was?

Bismuth: yeah. What did you think?! You just... Go around destroying all our hard work and think this isn't gonna have consequences?! No ma'am!

Me: oh- but- this is my only way back home...

Bismuth looked at me and then briefly looked over her shoulder

Bismuth: alright. You're allowed to go here when you have to go to homeworld or back there. But you can't do anything else!

Me: I wasn't going to anyway.

Bismuth was at a lack of words to say

Bismuth: well- Good!

I was too tired to take that shit today so I just kinda walked past her in complete silence

All in all I found the conversation being quite awkward

As I approached beach city I wondered if I would now be treated differently too here

I looked around for a bit and saw people rebuilding houses and shops

A few had looked at me but then went to do their jobs again

The attitude hadn't changed at all somehow

I walked up to my house and saw people I didn't know fixing it

Me: excuse me? What are you doing?

A Pink human with a scar on his face smiled down at me

Lars: Hi! I'm Lars. Are you the girl that wrecked those ships?

Me: What if I am?

Lars: I'll take that as a yes. we heard you lived here and wanted to repay you for saving our lives. So we chose to repair your house. You see, we heard you lived he-

Me: Sorry but I've never seen you in my life. How come I have saved yours?

Lars: Well, me and the off colors came to earth to fight in the battle. Sadly we were a while away and came at high speed. when we entered the atmosphere, the main battle was already over. The ships were retrieting. I didn't look for a second and found that we were about to crash with one of them which would've caused our ship to be destroyed.

Rutile 1: this is the part where you come in.

One of the two heads of a red-orange gem said

Rutile 2: Yeah! You just zoomed past our ship and cut the other one in half! It's power went off and it crashed down!

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