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"I can't believe I missed it." Sam starts off his explanation.

"Missed what?" Dean questions.

"Went back over the other two vics," Sam informs the two. "There was blood loss - major." He adds the detail.

"Well, being a gory smear will do that to you." Ivanna Lee states as she catches her breath.

"No, no, I mean more blood loss than a car crash or a head wound should cause," Sam tells Ivanna. "Almost like..."

"Something's feeding." Ivy Lee scrunches her eyebrows as she finishes Sam's sentence.


"Awesome." Dean and Ivy say in unison with the same tone of sarcasm.

"And then," Sam takes a second to pull a plastic bag out of his pocket, "there were these."

"What are those, seeds?" Dean gently grabs the bag to get a closer look and Ivanna Lee joins the two to get a better view.

"Yeah, they were in both the vics' bellies." Sam's use of the word belly instead of stomach make Ivanna internally giggle.

"I hope you washed your hands." Dean let's go of the plastic bag.

"They're unlike any other seed I've ever seen before." Sam comments as he examines them through the clear bag.

"Wow, just when I thought you couldn't get any geekier." Dean pats Sam's arm.

"I'm going to get out of this," Sam motions to his suit. "Don't have sex while I'm gone." He goes to his bag to grab regular clothes and Ivy Lee laughs as she goes to her bag to pull out her laptop.

Sam locks the door to the bathroom and Dean moves toward Ivy to grab her hips. She looks up at him with a quirked eyebrow and he presses a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Research." Ivanna Lee smirks as she wiggles her way out of Dean's grip and sits at the tiny table with her laptop.

Dean grabs his laptop from his bag and sits on their bed, fine with their distance as he gets to admire her from afar.

Sam struts out of the bathroom in his usual clothes and opens his duffel for his laptop to sit in front of Ivanna. All three are silent as they try to find out what kind of monster is related to the seeds on the table.

"Yahtzee!" Ivy Lee laughs as she adverts her eyes from her laptop to look between the brothers.

"What?" Dean's the first to ask.

"The seeds aren't from around here." Ivy starts, a smile is still evident on her lips as she feels proud of her findings. "In fact, they're not from any tree or plant in the country."

"Where are they from?" Sam questions.

"Eastern Europe, from a forest in the Balkans, which is not even there anymore." Ivanna Lee answers. "It was chopped down like thirty years ago."

"So?" Dean asks from across the room.

"So, local legend has it that the forest was guarded by a Pagan god whose name was Leshii - a mischievous god, could take on infinite forms," Ivanna responds.

"And let me guess - he liked to munch on his fans," Dean says and Ivy Lee chuckles.

"Yep." She nods her head as she leans back in her chair. "'Could be appeased only with the blood from his worshippers.'" She quotes what's on her laptop. "It would drain them then stuff their stomachs with the seeds."

"How's he doing it?" Dean stands from the bed. "What, he touches James Dean's keys chain and then morphs into James Dean?"

"Hmm," Ivy tilts her head. "That's a good guess as any."

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