rant 2

265 8 46

this is gonna be about something pretty common in naruto books

custom clans

now, this usually wouldn't bother me, but it's used sm that all naruto fics are beginning to be predictable af and bland

what makes this even worse is that the kekkei genkai is always ridiculously overpowered. like being rightfully powerful is one thing, but practically being a god is a whole nother topic

"y/ns (___)gan can control time!!!1!1!!1 she can reset the whole universe🤭‼️"

there's a reason why character's strengths are balanced out with their weaknesses, plot and future character development

if your character is unjustifiably overpowered, that's already a huge ick for me, giving them no weaknesses at all doesn't make them an enjoyable person to read about

like okay you can give your character a clan, but why are they always brutally massacred and like never talked about ever again unless it's a flashback abt family or some secret hidden power

sasuke had all rights to be vengeful, personally id do the same if my sibling murdered my whole fucking bloodline, so why is quirky little y/n giggling around with naruto and being a sneaky little prankster

and changing the plot is one thing, but stopping every damn major death is another. like that takes away all the thrill of everything. do u think the ninja world is sunshine and rainbows? ffs there has to be deaths for characters to have their required character development, literally a must if you want the book to be interesting in the slightest 😭😭

stopping a few deaths, like haku and zabuza is okay, but as sad as it is itachi's loss was needed for sasuke to unlock ms and later on ems

long story short any deaths that r keys to the plot can't be stopped without you having to change the plot completely.

but yeah honestly the naruto fandom is losing its creativity, it's all the same thing


akazas toes out

once again, our opinions may be different, but this isn't a place to argue, create your own rant book if you're that pissed

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