rant 10

114 3 15

k, if you get bullied or called ugly on wattpad or really any social media platform, you have the right to be sad.

but you're fully capable of handling that shit yourself. wtf is the point of sending your followers at them?

that honestly just makes you pathetic. sorry, but it really does.

social media hurts, i and most likely the majority of gen z know this. but cmon, it's really not that hard to just defend yourself.

calling out your followers like some kinda trump card to turn the tables around in your favor just makes you a stuck up, snot-faced ass too weak to defend themselves.

okay, there are some instances where it's fine, where the person is saying problematic ass shit. send your followers at them to teach them a life lesson.

but if it's just something like "ur ugly" then it's just fucking stupid. like what if some naive kid said that and next thing they know their dms are being bombarded with death threats and paragraphs? congrats, that makes you the lowest of the low.

you can't just summon your social media army out of thin air if someone ever calls you something derogatory irl. you won't even know what to fucking do.

stop taking advantage of the fact that ppl r willing to defend you. sooner or later, they'll leave, and you'll be alone and defenseless.

this is like the boy who cried wolf. the more you take advantage, the more people won't ever believe you. and when something actually comes, who will you have to hide behind? nobody. because you drove their asses away. childish how I'm comparing this to a fairytale, but i hope you get the point.

moral of the story, be fucking mature.

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