rant 27

67 2 16

istfg people need to stop venting in announcements

like im just checking my notifs and looking at all my announcements when suddenly i see this big ass immediate yale acceptance worthy paragraph of self loathing that nobody gives two shits about

and yk how it always ends?

"heh... i guess im a burden... :]" damn right you are

ik i already ranted abt this but that was abt ppl doing it in books, which is already shitty and low but ur own announcements? like you're literally asking for attention, if they weren't then they wouldn't have pressed the "announce to followers button" when posting

like idek how many more times im gonna say this, need help? vent book. only ppl willing to listen will read it. feeling sv1€1dal? there are a ton of hotlines... no offense but I don't think posting something like "s-sorry guys... i can't do it anymore... i guess this is goodbye........." all over your announcements page will rlly do much to help

ppl don't rlly take that seriously on a platform like wattpad, but if im gonna be honest literally every social media platform is ruthless and will not give a flying fuck abt your mental state

soooo maybe don't vent completely publicly bc not everyone will feel like hearing u out??? it's honestly quite simple idk what some ppl are having trouble understanding


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