rant 7

140 5 41

the normalization of male sa

if a guy asks a girl out and touches her without permission in public, they get fucking jumped.

if a girl asks a guy out and inappropriately touches him without consent, the public sees nothing wrong with it and even encourages the girl. this has been showcased in many social experiments.

the man can't even fight back or defend himself. he'd get the police called on him in a hot minute.

women on the other hand will be praised for punching a guy or spraying him in the face with pepper spray/gel.

now, in no way am i invalidating female sa. this rant is just focused on males mostly because it's often overlooked. ill make one focusing on female sa later.

but yeah, if a guy gets pushed into a situation like that, the only way he can escape is by defending himself, but, society recognizes that as domestic violence. (i may be getting the terms wrong)

like they honestly cannot do a thing when that happens.

firm believer of equal rights equal fights. if women can fight back against sa, men can too.

feminism isn't females>>>>males. its equality. if you really want feminism to work out, stop overlooking men sa.

akazas toes out

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