rant 54

37 1 4

im so tired of everything

i got an 86 on a history presentation i worked extremely hard on (i did extra shit and made a Bristol board, presentation, skit, kahoot) and she tells me it's bc I was sitting down

like im sorry what? you never put that on the success criteria and you didn't even fucking say anything WHILE I was presenting so how was I supposed to know

I complained to my parents and they yelled at me and said my teacher was justified bc u always have to stand during a presentation

like what the fuck? since when?

and then I said "how am I supposed to know that" so my mom yelled sm my ears are ringing abt how im stupid and how I should try harder so I don't turn out like my brother

all I wanted was support. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong

I usually come home with things above the 95th percentile and they don't bat an eye. I join every club possible and they don't care. i practice my instruments daily i read the Quran i clean i balance all of this and they don't care

all their attention is on my brother

I hate him i really do. he ruined everything for me. my parents haven't looked at me in that yk parent to child way ever since he got diagnosed

I'm just so exhausted I hate everyone in my life

"it's common knowledge u stand while presenting" well I'm a fucking child okay? I'm not the dignified 25 year old you make me out to be. let me make mistakes

I'm sorry I'm not perfect but you're not either so stop acting like you don't know where I got this from

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