rant 5

157 5 18

okay why the fuck does nobody talk about palm from hxh? they go all out on hisoka but say nothing about palm.

she did the exact definition of grooming. i don't know if people are fucking braindead, or if they just can't get the fact that not every pedophile is a middle aged white man through their thick ass skull. honestly probably both

anybody can be a pedophile. anyone. so, if you're gonna slander hisoka then slander palm just as much because there's basically no difference other than the type of approach they have.

what i mean by that is that hisoka is fucking shameless. nonchalantly staring at kid's asses, getting turned on by the sight of a vulnerable child, and overall his whole "unripened fruit" shit.

palm, on the other hand, is a groomer. she takes gon on dates like it's normal. she makes gon feel comfortable and safe so she can do whatever messed up shit she'd like later on.

none are better or worse than the other.

gon is a victim frfr

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