rant 55

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so just to start with some bg info I have high functioning adhd, as in it does not affect my daily activities and isnt very significant in my life

I dont get any extra help and it's not really ever a problem with academics. just some issues with focus n shit but it's manageable so no support from the board

with that being said, it's not something I enjoy telling ppl. why? bc suddenly their whole view on me changes

"but ur so smart!!" "are you sure you have it?" bc their standard is ppl with low functioning adhd

I have another kid in my class who has low functioning adhd and there's obviously a difference bc to them its "quite obvious they have a disorder" but for me "you're so normal tho. are u sure u have adhd?"

once again it's not a big part of my life so I just don't get why it's such a big deal when I tell someone

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