rant 45

40 1 14

this rant is more me-centric than an actual yk world problem

So I was put in a different class than my friends

now they have this new friend and they keep laughing ab how she's so funny and it's really fucking stupid and childish but I'm supposed to be the rlly fugly funny friend and now this bitch swoops in like a harpy eagle and is suddenly the funniest girl ever to them

im not a kind or generous or giving person i know im being a bitch and yes I am a bitch and fhats why I hope for this whore's downfall

I was ranting about it to my other friends and btw we all like sorta laughed at the girl from afar last year bc she was friends with someone else we hated and all of a sudden they're like "nooo I feel bad noww" like we don't shit talk for a living? stop switching sides u were literally laughing at the class clown crying 5 hours ago during class

I might be a bad person but something that's even worse than that is a person that pulls this hypocritical shit

I'm so pissed right now bc why couldn't that girl just stay with her friend group why does she have to come in out of nowhere

she doesn't even fit in with everyone else's style she wears ripped skinny jeans and I don't judge ppls style it's just fucking annoying bc she's nothing like anyone else

For a while I was the ugly but rlly funny friend and now she just goes and takes everything I've ever liked from me in a month and it doesn't help that I no longer walk home every day with those friends so no time to hang

she's not even that funny

i sound selfish right now I don't care. she should've stayed with her friend group of ppl just like her and distanced herself tf away from us

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