rant 32

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the believe that only poc can experience racism

that's not true, alr? the definition of racism is discriminating and committing hateful acts against a specific group of ppl or race

white people CAN experience racism. the whole belief that every single yt person is shitty and contributed to colonization is so full of bullshit. do your damn research.

white people can never speak about feeling discriminated against bc they immediately get comments like "YOU get discriminated against??" or "you cannot be talking"

im in no way saying they don't have rights, but they get sm shit said to them on a daily basis. a mutual in my friend group got bulimic anorexia because of how much stuff was said to her. people talked shit, bullied her, and said some serious derogatory shit to her. why? bc she was white. that was literally it. she didn't hurt them, and she never said anything bad. she was literally just behaving like a normal person.

not only white people are racist. as much as i hate to say it, my parents are.

racism simplified is literally just hate. you can be hateful to anybody. it's not strictly poc.

ppl always talk about equality until a white person speaks abt their experiences with racism. you have to realize that in order for equality, as the name states, you need to treat each other EQUALLY. is it rlly that hard to understand?

for some reason though, a lot of ppl look at stuff like this and just see it as an excuse to say stuff like "is it bc im white?" yes. yes it is. you're fitting the exact stereotype many ppl have for you, so wtf do you expect? do better if you wanna make a change.

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