rant 59

28 1 7

canada's curriculum obviously has a lot on the struggles of the FNMI (first nation métis inuit)

they talk about colonization in depth but only really brush on what happened in Asia and I just find that fucking dumb

there's indigenous everywhere. they're not the only ethnic group who got inhumanely treated by the European settlers but Canada curriculum was like "meh don't give a fuck let's skip over"

places like india are to this day STILL being affected by colonization. the nation is suffering. it's surrounded by poverty.

many African countries now have English or French as their primary language but no, ofc Canada doesn't really care

the water issues in reserves are a big problem and in no way am I downplaying that but that's not the only place with issues? in india many water tanks get poisoned/contaminated and since its a rural part they can't do anything and just die

I read a book about this one called thirst. it's a rlly good outlook on the situation. it's abt a family who lives in bombai (mumbai) but not the skyscraper part. the poverty-stricken area where they live in huts and makeshift beds. they find out their water tank is being hijacked. that's the main gist of the book

I tried to bring this up once and nothing good came out of it.

teachers always talk about the ethnic cleaning that happened in turtle island (canada) but SO many asian nations experienced it as well? it's not even restricted to Asia it's WORLDWIDE

so about u teach us about that canada? how about you do more than just what you're obligated to? and how about you put some of your fucking budget into the many indigenous water reserves instead of some pipeline that extends across three provinces

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