Chapter 2

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"When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares"

Today is Diana's birthday and she is sitting at her desk going over her mail when there's a knock at the door.

"Come in," she commands.

Patrick, her long-time assistant comes in. Diana looks up, "yes Patrick."

"I'm sorry to disturb you, your highness but this was just sent over from the Prince of Wales," Patrick says handing her a royal blue rectangular-shaped box and an envelope.

"Thank you," Diana says taking the box. Once Patrick is gone, she undoes the white bow on the box and opens the box. She's surprised to see a diamond tennis bracelet. Opening the envelope she reveals a birthday card. Inside written in Charles' handwriting she reads the words Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy your present - Charles.

Diana smiles as it is so sweet of Charles to think about her on her birthday. Picking up the phone, she dials his office.

Charles is sitting at his desk going over some correspondence when his secretary informs him Diana is on the line.

"Hello Diana," Charles says

"Hello Charles, how are you?"

"I'm well Diana, you?"

"I'm great, I just wanted to call you and say thank you for the birthday gift."

"You're welcome, I hope you have a nice time tonight,"

"Thank you."

They talk for a little while longer before Diana hangs up. She needs to start getting ready for tonight, she's going to an event at the Tate Gallery.

When the car arrives at the gallery everyone erupts into screams and applause when Diana exits the vehicle wearing a floor-length black beaded gown with straps. Accenting the look with a green stone choker and matching drop earrings. The Princess looked gorgeous in her gown and looked radiant on her thirty-sixth birthday.

Before entering the event she stopped to greet those who came to see her. By the time she shook the last hand, she had an arm full of cards, flowers, and a balloon that said happy birthday with a bear on it.

Her assistant takes the cards and the balloons so Diana can head inside.

The next morning Charles picks up the morning paper and sees his ex-wife on the cover. She looked gorgeous in her dress, liking how it accentuates her figure and the amount of skin she was showing.

He began to fantasize about Diana in front of him, slowly unzipping the gown before letting it fall becoming a pool of fabric. She walks towards him slowly wearing nothing but a naughty smile and jewelry. Just as she is about to climb onto his lap...

"Charles, Charles," he hears Camilla's voice bringing him out of his fantasy.

"Yes, darling you're here," Charles says before clearing his throat.

"I just got here. Are you ok, I called you about six times before I walked in," Camilla says sitting down across from him.

"Yes, I was just in deep thought," Charles replies folding up the newspaper. The last thing he needs is for Camilla to find out he was fantasizing about Diana.

Camilla picks up the newspaper and notices Diana on the cover.

"Oh I see Diana was out last night, she went to the Tate Gallery Centennial," Camilla reads.

"Yes, I saw. I'm surprised she went considering yesterday was her birthday," Charles replies before sipping his coffee.

"Oh was it," Camilla asks continuing to read the paper.

Charles doesn't reply as he feels he may slip up and mention the diamond tennis bracelet he sent Diana. That is one argument he doesn't need right now.

"Well I admit she looks good," Camilla replies, "seems like she has changed a lot over the last few years."

"She has changed, she's not the girl I met all those years ago. Thank God," Charles adds.

Camilla looks at Charles and doesn't reply.

Later on, that night while in bed Camilla is awakened out of her sleep when she hears Charles talking in his sleep. Sitting up she looks over at him and he is smiling. She's about to wake him up when she hears him say Diana's name.

"You have been a bad girl, Diana," Charles groans in his sleep, "I like it when you're bad."

Camilla looks at him. She can't believe what she heard him say.

"Take your dress off," Charles then mumbles.

Not wanting to hear anymore, she wakes him up.

"Charles! Charles! Charles!" Camilla hollers.

Jolting out of his sleep he looks around finally remembering where he is.


"Yes Camilla," he replies trying to calm down.

"Is there any reason you were calling out Diana's name in your sleep?"

Charles sighs, he had no idea the things he was saying in his dreams were being said out loud.

"Darling, you know I can't control what I dream about. What I said meant nothing, Diana and I are just friends and co-parenting our sons," Charles replies hopefully that takes off some of the heat.

"Well from the way it sounded as if you were trying to do more than co-parent," Camilla shoots back.

"Camilla, you know I'm in love with you and you only. Diana and I are no longer together. You are the only one I love," Charles says before kissing Camilla's shoulder.

"Charles, what has been going on with you lately? Are you considering going back to her?"

"No! I told you we're just friends. She's the mother of my sons, so I still have to see her and communicate with her. I don't want to talk about Diana anymore, let's just focus on us," Charles says maneuvering Camilla back down onto the bed.

In minutes they shed their clothes and begin to make love. At this point, Camilla knew not to continue to question him. She knows Charles loves her and no you can't control what or who you dream about.

Just as they both reach their climax.

"Oh Diana," he cries out.

Instantly he wishes he could go back in time. He can't believe he just called Camilla, Diana.

Camilla looks at him and quickly gets out of bed.

"Camilla, I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you Diana. It was a mistake," Charles says gently grabbing Camilla's arm as she dressed.

She angrily yanks her arm away and continues to get dressed.

"Darling, please listen to me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to call out her name," Charles says pleading.

"No, I need some time and so do you!" Camilla says putting on the last of her clothes.

"Camilla, haven't I proved to you that I only wanted to be with you?" Charles says.

Camilla grabs her purse and leaves without saying another word to him.

He can't believe he called out Diana's name. What is happening to him? Why is his ex-wife now starting to take over his mind?

They are no longer together, their friendship is strictly platonic. He hasn't thought about Diana in that way in a long time, until recently. Lately, he's been wondering if things would be different now that Diana is older. He's noticing her in a way he hasn't in years. But he loves Camilla.

He went through all this for them to be together. All the mockery, the nicknames, the leaked conversations. Admitting to the world he cheated on their beloved princess. Now he's made a huge mess of things by calling Camilla the woman he had left name.

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