Chapter 23

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Diana is relaxing in one of the deck chairs tanning while reading a book. Charles comes outside of their bungalow and sees his wife relaxing. He likes the way her tanned skin glistens in the sun. How the bikini bottoms she has worn have accentuated her legs and rear.

His eyes travel up her flat stomach to where the book is covering his other favorite assets, her breasts. Then he looks at Diana's expressionless face, her eyes covered by her sunglasses.

They spent a good part of the morning in bed, but right now he wouldn't mind part whatever number it was. He knows that they made love more than twice.

Right now his beautiful goddess is sunbathing and he wouldn't mind kissing every inch of exposed skin.

Diana looks up at her husband who is walking towards her. From the look in his eyes, he looks ravenous. They just had breakfast an hour ago, so she knows he's not hungry for food, but for her. Since their wedding night, they have been insatiable in the love-making department. They have explored different positions, locations, and desserts to spice up their already steamy interludes. Last night they were in the shower until the water was cold, even that still didn't stop them from creating their own steam.

When her husband comes to a stop in front of her she looks up.

"Yes Your Highness," she says with a smirk.

Smiling he looks at her from her fire engine red toenails up to her highlighted locs.

"I must say Your Royal Highness you look delectable."

"Thank you, sir. You look rather tasty yourself," Diana replies pulling down her sunglasses to wink at him.

"I was wondering if you would join me for a swim?"

"That depends?"

"On what?"

"Is it clothing optional?" She replies moving her book and revealing her bare breasts.

Charles smiles as his eyes focus on his wife's twin mounds. The same mounds that spent the better part of the morning in his mouth or caressed by his hands.

"That is up to you my dear. Of course, I wouldn't mind," he replies.

Without a word, Diana gets up and walks towards the pool. Turning she takes off her sunglasses and tosses them to her husband. The next thing he knows she dives backward into the water, creating a huge splash.

Sitting the glasses down on top of the book she was reading he goes over to the pool and jumps in behind her.

When he comes above water she is leaning against the pool wall.

"Took you long enough."

"I'm sorry but you only jumped in maybe a minute before I did."

"You were supposed to be right behind me," Diana giggles before splashing Charles.

He goes up to his wife and picks her up before gently tossing her into the water.

She comes up above the water giggling. Swimming up to him she tries to push him. He grabs her hands before they make contact with his body. He moves in and gives her a peck on the lips.

"Now Prince Charming, you can't just sweet talk your way out of getting what's coming."

"I believe I already have, my lady."

"Hey, it's Lady Diana Spencer to you, Duke of Cornwall."

"Forgive me, Duchess of Cornwall," he replies picking her up again and tossing her into the water.

The two of them play around in the pool a little longer before going inside to shower and have lunch.

After lunch, they are relaxing on the sofa. Charles has his head resting in Diana's lap, while she massages his scalp. The feeling of her fingers combing through his hair relaxes him. So much he feels himself drifting off to sleep.

"Darling, why don't we go into the bedroom to take a nap?" He hears his wife's voice.

"Good idea," he groans as he sits up.

A few hours later Diana awakens and stretches. Slowly getting out of bed she heads to the bathroom before returning. When she returns Charles is awake staring at the ceiling.

She lies next to him and he wraps his arms around her.

"Are you alright?" She asks gently caressing his cheek.

"I'm fine, just thinking," he replies taking her hand and kissing it.

"What should we do tonight?"

"I don't know."

"We should go dancing."

Charles guides Diana out to the dance floor where all eyes are on them. This is the first time they have danced in public since being married. Let alone the first time they have ever gone out to a club together.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have the honor of the Prince and Princess of Wales joining us tonight and they will kick off the first dance," the Disk Jockey says into the microphone.

Everyone erupts into applause. Diana looks at Charles blushing.

The DJ begins to play Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely. Charles begins to lead as they begin to waltz. Unlike in the past when Charles would sling Diana all over the floor. He takes his time, following the rhythm of the song.

Diana smiles as she and Charles dance like there isn't anyone watching. Her navy blue dress floats mid-way revealing her toned legs, when Charles gives her one final spin. To her surprise he dips her and kisses her, causing the crowd to erupt into thunderous applause.

They return to their table where Charles orders them another round of drinks.

"I'm having fun, we should get out more often," Charles says.

"Me too, we should. It feels good to relax and let our hair down."

Diana is surprised as Charles was always serious, and his idea of fun in the past included reading books or a polo pony. Since they have rekindled their relationship Charles has become more relaxed.

"May I have this dance?" He asks extending his hand.

"Of course," Diana replies getting up.

Again he guides his bride to the dance floor which is now filled with other couples to dance. The number that is playing is slower than the Stevie Wonder song, so he gets to hold Diana closer to him.

As they slowly move around, he inhales her sweet scent. She smells heavenly and she looks beautiful. Diana always had a beautiful smile, and he loved it when she would smile at him. Now he's even more determined to continue to make her smile.

Later that night Charles opens the door before sweeping Diana off her feet. He carries her over the threshold and then sits her on the sofa while he closes the door.

"Thank you, darling."

"It's the least I can do considering I kept you on your feet almost all night," he replies sitting down and putting her feet in his lap.

"It's ok. I had a lovely time," Diana replies relaxing as Charles begins to massage her feet.

"I had fun too. I was serious when I said we should do it more often."

"We should," she replies smiling, "now why don't go to bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Yes we do," he agrees.

After Charles had fallen asleep Diana looks up a the ceiling thinking about how far they have come since they rekindled their relationship. She loved how much things have changed. How Charles has become more understanding and more vulnerable. The man today is not the same man she was once married to before. 

Now their future is much brighter than it was before. She can't wait to see where they go on their journey next. 

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