Chapter 11

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Charles knew that in life, there are things that test you to see if you have learned your lesson. In the past when it came to dealing with Diana and her emotions he would quickly write her off as crying wolf. He never took the time to figure out where the unhappiness came from. Now he is determined to be more understanding. Cause this test came sooner than expected.

Especially tonight when he arrived at Diana's apartment and found her balled up on her bed. It's obvious she's been crying and distraught.

"Diana, are you ok?" He asks softly touching her shoulder.

"No I'm not," she replies in between sobs.

To his surprise, he lies next to her, wraps his arm around her, and kisses her forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"I feel horrible," Diana replies.

"Are you in pain? Did you take your pain medicine?" Charles asks trying to figure out the reason for her tears.

Why couldn't he do this years ago? Simply could've eliminated a lot of broken glass and heartache.

"No I'm not in pain," Diana says trying to compose herself, "I feel horrible because I survived the accident and Dodi and the driver did not. I keep dreaming about what happened that night. It's like I keep reliving it over and over again," Diana says clutching Charles' arm.

"Oh darling," Charles says pulling her closer.

He feels for her, genuinely. He saw the pictures from the accident and is thankful that Diana survived, but he feels bad for Dodi and the driver, whom he later learned to name Henri's family for their loss. Only Diana and the bodyguard named Trevor survived.

"Charles it was awful. I was so scared," Diana says sounding like she's gasping for breath.

Charles looks at her and her blue eyes widen.

"Diana, what's wrong?" Charles asks.

She doesn't say anything, as it looks as if she's running out of breath.

"Diana darling, what's wrong? Please don't tell me you're having a heart attack?" Charles says panicking.

He quickly grabs the phone and calls for an ambulance.

"Diana, darling I'm here for you. Take slow deep breaths," Charles says afraid.

Diana slowly tries to catch her breath as she feels her heart rate slowing down.

Moments later medics arrived and determined that Diana experienced a panic attack. After they finished checking her out and gave him the ok, Charles rejoined her in her bedroom.

"Hey," he says sitting next to her.

"Hey," Diana replies, tears still in her eyes.

Thankfully before the medics left, they explained to him how to see the signs and what to do if she experiences another.

"How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I think I need to rest. I feel drained," Diana says almost quietly.

"Alright, I will call the doctor in the morning and let him know what happened."

"Ok," Diana says slowly sitting up.

"I'll call you tomorrow and check on you. I'll come by later on after my engagement."

"Ok, thank you Charles for everything."

"It's no problem, Diana. Now you get some rest," he replies before kissing her lips.

Before he is completely out of her bedroom, Diana calls out to him.


"I wanted to know... if it's not too much... if you would mind staying with me tonight? I don't want to sleep alone, especially after what happened."

Considering how frightening it was, he honestly didn't want to leave her alone either. Even though they are taking things slow, this would push them past a few steps. Plus it has been years since they last shared a bed.

"I just want you to hold me," Diana says feeling vulnerable.

"Of course, let me make some arrangements," Charles says. 

 He picks up her cordless phone and steps out of the room allowing Diana to get ready for bed. He dials Richard and asks for his pajamas and clothes for tomorrow to be sent over.  After making the proper arrangements he knocks on the door. No reply. 

Afraid Diana may be having another panic attack he opens the door and sees the room empty. 

"Diana?" he calls out. 

"I'm in the shower Charles," she replies from the bathroom. 

"Ok," he replies calming down. 

While he awaits for his clothes and other items to be brought over, he takes off his suit jacket and hangs it on the back of Diana's vanity chair. Then he takes off his tie, cufflinks, and then his shoes, and socks. 

Diana walks out with her towel wrapped around her body, her blonde and brown locs clinging to her damp skin. Right now she looks delicious and he would be lying if he didn't want a bite. Without a word, he continues to watch her as she searches for what she probably feels would be appropriate for her to wear to bed. 

Charles is brought out of his thoughts about Diana's body when the phone rings. 

"Hello," he says picking up the phone just as Diana walked back into the bathroom, "thank you I'll be right there to open the door." 

Later after taking his own shower, Charles joins Diana in bed. 

"Are you ok?" he asks as Diana got into his arms. 

"Yes I'm fine, I feel like I need to process my feelings about what happened that night," Diana replies. 

"Tomorrow we'll talk to Dr. Fellowes about finding a therapist to help you."

"Fine, I will talk to him in the morning."


A moment of silence falls between them. 



" I truly appreciate everything you have done for me."

"You're welcome," he replies before kissing her lips. 

"Good night," Diana says.

"Good night," Charles replies before turning off the lights. 

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