Chapter 10

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Charles arrives outside Diana's apartment, which now takes less time to get to. Wanting to be closer to Diana now they were "starting over," Charles resumed his residency at Clarence House.

He goes up the stairs and heads to her bedroom. With the door closed meaning she must be getting dressed. He knocks and is told to come in.

Diana turns to see who is entering and sees it's Charles.

"Hey you," she says rubbing lotion onto her leg that once was in a cast. Thankfully she is now out of said cast and walks with the assistance of a cane. She has made a lot of progress since the accident.

"Hey," he says taking a seat at her vanity.

"How was your day?" Diana asks looking up from her current task.

"It was good, a little busy," he replies his eyes not leaving her legs.

Diana smirks, "hey I'm sure Her Majesty has told you it's rude to stare."

Charles clears his throat, he didn't mean to stare. She always had an amazing pair of legs.

"I'm sorry, I got lost in a train of thought," he lies, not wanting to admit that he was fantasizing about kissing her legs from her feet to her...

"It's fine, it's not every day a girl can say the future King of England admires her legs," Diana says resting her feet on his lap.

Although they are supposed to be "starting over," it's hard when familiarity keeps rearing its ugly head. He wants to just pick up from where they left off. Considering how things turned out maybe it's for the best they did take the time to truly build a solid foundation. Still, it didn't help that his ex-wife/girlfriend turned him on.

"Well, it's not every day I get to see an incredible pair of legs?" Charles replies rubbing her feet.

Diana bites her lower lip. She wasn't expecting him to come back with that line, let alone begin massaging her feet. An action he has never done in all the fifteen years they were married.

"The reason I stopped by was to see how you were doing and also I wanted to personally invite you to Sandringham to celebrate Christmas with us."

"Oh, you sure your family would mind me spending the holidays with them?"

"Yes, Mummy and my father will be happy to see you," he replies.

"Sure, I get to spend time with you and my sons," Diana replies.

A couple of weeks later Charles extends his hand to help Diana out of the car as they just arrived at Sandringham. A place where she was born and grew up until her father inherited his title. A place where she has spent many holidays with her former in-laws. Some happy some sad.

Diana is shown to her room where she would be staying, surprisingly it's next door to Charles. Once she is left alone she can't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Although Charles told her it was partially his parent's idea as well as his idea for her to come for the  Christmas holiday. That doesn't mean the rest of the family will be as welcoming.

She was excited at first because it would give her and Charles time to spend together alone with their sons. When she accepted the invitation, she didn't think about dealing with the rest of his family.

Since their separation and then their divorce she only had interaction with Charles, the Queen, and Philip. Even when she was married she didn't have much interaction with Charles' brothers and her relationship with Anne was cordial at best. However, she's sure Margaret will be the one to make it known she doesn't approve of her presence. Even though they are neighbors at Kensington, Margo has made it clear she didn't like what she (Diana) had done to Charles. Which was rich coming from a woman who had a failed marriage herself.

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